White Widow Problem (pics)


Well-Known Member
lol,turned out not to be murder afterall....carbon monoxide poisoining was the killer.Claimed 2 lives though :/


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn (Too many ppm's) or BUGS, or both. About the seeds wrap them in a damp TEA bag over night , then wrap them in a damp COFFEE filter, (better than a paper towel).


Well-Known Member
thanks to all the plp who replied but this was over a month ago, im wayy past that.

Turned out to be just a bit of nute deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Below is some pics of how they are doing.

I had to do some extreme lsting cos they are getting to close to the light. The stretch was minging Ive also set up another fan pointing at the light. Anyhow.....

3 Weeks into 12/12

