White Widow & Qausar Heat Stress/Nutrient Burn/Deformation


Well-Known Member
I've read that Ph imbalances can create disfigured foliage and deformed growth,
i've seen many WW's and mine doesn't seem to look like others- all the info on what i am using can be found on my UPDATE (17 days from seed!) video.

Also, the leaves on my WW seems to have faint blotches on them, which i have looked into an seem to be from heat stress (i am using a 150w HPS with a standard bulb) but i believe i have fixed that by moving my light from about 12inches to 18inches-2 feet (didn't measure but quite higher)

Lastly, the tips of my leaves seem to be light light yellow which i am guessing from research is nutrient burn (i used full strength xD yes yes i know nub move, i wasn't thinking when i did it, i was sort of in a rush and excited how much they've grown)- i know FFOF supports plants up to 4 weeks with just soil based nutes, so should i flush them with fresh water or just leave them as is and water them well in the next couple of days??

!!! drop some advice down on how i can prevent "deformation", and some good deals on a Ph thingy. !!!

-Strains- 17 days from seed

(Blue pot) White widow - Indica Dominate
(Pink pot) Quasar - Sativa Dominant


1 150w HPS (standard bulb)
Probably close to 18inches - 2 feet above plants


Fox Farm Ocean Forest


Miracle-Gro Azalea/Camellia/Rhododendron Plant Food (30-10-10)

