White widow seedlings dieing....


Active Member
I bought these seeds through Nirvana. They were healthy, all of them sprouted! I lost 2 of them. They are 11 days old. They were looking fine and when I got home last night 3 of them were toppled over. The stems are frail and still green.The dirt is good, grown my 4ft plants with the same soil. I don't know if it's a root problem or because of the temps in my grow room. It's been running 65 degrees in there. I haven't been able to get a heater just yet. They are too frail to stake up. So I cut the stem, dipped them in root grow powder, and put that part into the soil. I'm hoping that will work.I keep them under flo's 4 inches from the plant. Any of you have ideas or have had to do this? if so what was the results?

luvvin growin

Active Member
65 is way too clod for those babies.I hate to say it.You gotta keep em warm....the rooting compound might work,but you need heat.


Active Member
What kind of heater would you suggest if you know? I see space heaters from Lowe's but I don't know which would be the best in order to maintain a stable level of heat. Also how old do the seedlings need to be before they gain good strength under good grow conditions? I did fine with my others , of course in the summer. This is the first time for me starting seedlings inside, and White Widows at that!

luvvin growin

Active Member
Electric ones work fine,we have like 10 of em here at work,plug it in,set it and walk away.but you may also consider a root heating pad as well.The only thing you need to keep warm is the roots,so if that is better for now,then I would just get one of those.I use em,and they work,I see roots fromclones in a week,seedling in days.


Active Member
This is not the kind of heating pad you can get at walmart? Not meaning to sound stupid, theres alot of steps to learn.


Active Member
These root warming heating pads. Are they regular heating pads ? Like can I get one from Walmart and would that work that way or does it need to be from a hydro store?

luvvin growin

Active Member
You could,but it better be waterproof and have a low wattage,say 17 watts on low.If thats the only option.Hydrofarm makes the Seedling Heat Mat,available all over online with a quick Google search.


Active Member
Instead of "cloning" seedlings, add more dirt around them to shorten the stem. Roots will grow from a buried stem.


Active Member
Thanks luvvin growin! You were a big help today. I went and got a heating pad temporarily from Walmart. It will do for now. Gosh I screwed up by not monitoring the temp better for my ww seedlings. Learned my lesson. Thanks again!


Active Member
In the middle of the stems, they got so skinny and just toppled over. They got too cold. Have u ever had this experience?