White Widow Seeds Planted but No Sprout Yet


Active Member
Hi, I'm pretty new to growing, i received 1 plant awhile ago that was already flowering and i got a indoor setup and cared for it the rest of its life and successfully harvested. Now I'm starting from seeds. I My setup is as follows, in one room i have a 1000W hps/mh ballast and right now i have a MH bulb in it but can switch to HPS when flowering. Then up in my closet i have 1 for foot floresent light ficture (two bulbs) they are GrowLux bulbs. For seeds I obtained 3 from a buddy then got the White Widow from Gypsy Nirvana (i also got a free 10 pack of other seeds) So i germinateded initially all the ones i got from a buddy (3) 5 WW and 5 of the mystery seeds. all 3 from my buddy germinateded all 5 white widow germinated adn 1 of the mystery ones did. Now they didnt all germ at the same time the 3 free ones i got from a buddy i planted in a plastic party cup with Black Gold all purpose potting soil. 2 of the 3 came up out of the dirt in a little over a day the 3rd one took a week but it eventualy came up and now all 3 are doinhg ok. The 5 White widow and the mystery seed however i planted differently. I had little starter pots (the little square ones) and then i read online somewhere to use vermiculte to help the seeds stay moist so what i did was put the black gold in like 2/3 of the way then vermiculte the rest of the way then planted the seed and watered. I put those under the floresent (oh forgot to mention the other 3 were under it too) for 10 days watering each day. After 10 days nothing had happened and i got sick of waiting so i actually dug em up. I could not find anything, no root no seed or anything\. So i germinated the last 5 which all 5 germinated and planted them the way i did the other 3 in plastic cup with just black gold all purpose potting soil., now its the 3rd day and nothing happened. At the time i planted these i planted 1 more seed i got from that same buddy and it has came up. but the WW nothing. Am i doing something wrong? is Gypsy crap? or ami just not waiting long enough. I really don't want to just be stuck with unknown seedlings i want some plants that i know will be good.

Thanks in advance



Active Member
no replys? I really dont want to see all these great White Widow seeds go to waste. If anyone has any advice or info please reply.




Well-Known Member
try the paper towel method..

place the seeds between the damp towels and cover. i use a tupperware container to set the towel in and place lid on .

2-5 days you see tap roots, then place in soil 1/2" deep (tap root down)

hope this helps.


New Member
Hi all guys i am sorry can you help me ?How i can post my thread ?I am new here.Thank you very much.


Active Member
I used the paer towel method they got tap roots and i planted them exactly as described above but ONLY the white widow and the Free Mystery Seeds haven't come up from the dirt. The freebies i got from my buddy all came up (although probably all males) So its not something i'm doing wrong, the one thing i can come up with is the seeds i got from my buddy the genetics are from around my area so they are use to the climate (humitidy etc) and maybe the WW isn't as much so they are having a harder time. I have them up in my closet with a 4 ft floresent light ficture. its pretty warm up there but i dotn have a termometer in that room only in the big grow room but it feels pretty warm just dry, what should i do to increase humidity just through a bowl of water in the room or should i figure out a way to construct a dome to go over my sprouts. (they are in plastic cups) Please i dont wanna just be left with unknown genetics i want some known good strains i really dont want to lose these woulderfull White Widow. Has anyone bought from Gypsy and if so did you have problems like this? i'm in North Western US if that helps.

Sorry for all the spelling errors
