WHITE WIDOW!! stealth 150w HPS dresser cab


Active Member
So here is my 150w HPS dresser cab. It is about 90% complete; all that is left is to glue the drawers onto the front. but here is the front view.

And the back view...

locking latch i found at lowes. works great because it sqweezes the door shut against wheather stripping and creates a lightproof seal.

here is the open cab. with a ww 4 weeks into flower, veged for like 2 months. and a ww clone only 2 weeks old.

and the utility chamber, housing the two 70 cfm exhaust bathroom fans. these suckers work great, the pressure from the fans suck and hold the door closed much like a fridgerator. still need to cut intake holes tho.

exhaust from flowering room view

exhaust from veg room view

here is the light im using

the lamp opened up to take out the ballast and remove the light sensor becuase it turns on only when its dark. then switched to remote ballast. i found this thread on a diy- https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/229284-whats-deal-lowes-home-deopot.html

her is the ballast taken out and mounted onto the door of the dresser. i hope it doesnt burn down my house, much less my plants!!!

okay here is the bigger plant at like 4 weeks.

same plant after 2 months vegging and 4 weeks flower. seems like its a bit behind but i still think its gunna be a monster.

the stem to the larger ww, about an inch thick.

some bud porn!!!! sorry my camera isnt that clear

and now the ww clone taken from the larger plant just before 12/12.

well that basically sums up the box, let me know what yall think. im still kinda new to all this so let me know any updates i can do to improve my output.

my plans after the ww is harvested is to clone the ww that is veging now and begin a soil perpetual grow with 5 plants in one gallon buckets, i will flower for 10 to 11 weeks to ill harvest one plant every 2 to 3 weeks. hight is a problem so i will lst and veg for two weeks before each clone is put in.


I am curious how that ballast ended up working mounted on the outside like that. I was thinking of making my ballast remote and mounting it to the back of my cab.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah your box looks good!

I would add a piece of 1/4 in glass under the bulb 2-3 inches to keep the heat sealed in the top, so you can put raise your plant up to the top to get maxamim light.

Also sealing em up allows you to use a couple of diy co2 emitters (yeast sugar bottles) of incrased growth.

I got my 175w MH an 150w hps grow cab done, my sig has the thread. the last update has video footage if you want to check mine out.