White widow stealth grow

Yeah looks like you got it all put together look sweet. I'll definitely have to try the tray of ice cubes or frozen jug. I have absolutely no idea what my Rez water temps are... I'll have to find out this weekend. Maybe if it's above 80 I'll just top off with some cold water each morning and stir, so it won't shock plants.
Make sure it's phd
Hey what's defoliating exactly? I've read the term a few times of course I can google it and find the answer but it's better to hear it in regular text from someone like you.

Also.. Yeah I have pH up and pH down that I've been using with a dropper. Seems to work pretty well and I have the amounts whether I need +- .5 or anything down to a science Distilled/tap is what I've been using, let sit out for a day or two before adding any pH solutions in there to minimize some chlorine and other unwanted shit that may be in my city water
Going to look up some good lst methods now on YouTube, yours seems good but my plant is tall and lengthy I don't think that it would work in the same way.. Possibly tho
Yes! Every plant is different. I tied, and untied Bc I wanted them to stretch more plus I didn't know what I was doing. Don't be like me and untie/tape to top of lid (white or reflective duct). There are so may images and ways the beginning is to top I already had about 3 or 4 nodes Bc I kept the light so close...but yeah man make it your own that's is what it's about find what works for you!!
When do you think can I expect my plant to really start taking off? There's noticeable growth every day ofc, a new set of leaves every other day probably.. But what is the biggest weeks as far as growth goes? I germinated and planted the seeds on the 1st of this month. So I'm 22 days in! :)
Well I started flower at 3 weeks. It was small Bc it was tied down. Veg is mainly going to show u lots of foliage growth. That's when I start to trim.

After u switch to 12/12 don't expect a sudden burst of pistils unless u have seen them in veg. It can take up to 4 weeks after 12/12 for the plant to reach sexual maturity. Hell mine didn't start to show pistils and really stretch till 2 weeks after I switched. At 3 weeks after 12/12 still not much stretch and tiny tiny pistils were beginning to show. They didn't grow for like a week, then it all just took off, stretching and buds everywhere! I'm in week 5 of seeing first pistil and I'm on target will flush And be done at day 63 of flower just like Seedbank said. Of course, defol and supercrop will slow the process but like I said worth it. It just all happens like wow but don't go by pics until u are at week 5 Bc a lot of people do it all diff and all plants are diff...
Also in hydro veg will progress super fast. Flower it doesn't matter Bc it matures the same in soil. But u will get lots of fast
Growth. Keep
Ph 6.2 so calcium
Will be able to be sucked up.
Here's an update pic on the plants. The tall one is still so damn fragile I have a mini red solo cup sliced down the middle with a circle on the bottom flipped over, to support the plant.. I'm telling you if I take the cup out it falls right the fuck over. I have no choice.. I can't imagine LST training it any time soon if it can't even stand on its own. :/ so tall and skinny. Leaves look full and great though with the flashlight on it.
I wonder why the stem is so small and fragile....U already have 4 nodes. U need to slightly bend back and forth and put a fan on it to strengthen the stem. I really don't feel it will break but in a small cab it will grow out of control if not trained and put into flower at 3 or 4 weeks...just my experience and from what I've seen. Veg till halfway up box then switch.
U might just let this these grow as they are and u can ask and learn along the way. No need for lst or supercropping...but just know that in accidentally snapped my main off and used a straw to put it back together. It fused back together and is better than ever so don't be afraid to go rogue
I f you get air blowing on it for week or so it will stiff in up the stem also it grew tall cuz light could be to far away
Haha thanks for the tunes! The reason it so damn "flimsy" I guess we will say is that in the first week of growth it was REALLY pulling upwards, can't do anything about the LED light because the mounting hardware is at the top of the box and is in the best spot recommended for my set up. Tomorrow is my only day off thank god so I'll be going to Home Depot. My list is some soft plant twists for the near future for some very light LST training, but also some sort of medium to put in combination with the rock wool rapid rooter I have the plants in now for some added support. I'm hoping for some clay pebbles or something similar. Also, I'm going to buy the smallest fan they sell because I feel every fan I put on that plant is going to be overkill even at the lowest setting. I may have to just leave the box open and set the fan a few yards away and aim it into the box for an hour each day. The fan that's in the box now is more of a air circulation fan then anything, almost irrelevant. So plants have had no strength training really other then me just bending them with my fingers every rare moon
Forgot to mention, the smaller plant on the left is very sturdy and can hold itself well. Needless to say it's a bit behind and even growing very retarded and unporportional, but still happy I suppose! Haha leaves are green and sparkly as ever