White Widow & The Church Indoor Grow! 2010


Active Member
lookin good man, the ww might just be a funny phenotype? wish I could help, apart from PH and/or over/under nute seems strange that the church didnt suffer the same fate with feed etc?


Well-Known Member
@ rolling, try flushing ur ww for a week to clear any over nuting in the soil, and then restart feeding at a low level, 2ml per litre, if the start getting plaer after that then up the nutes but only a little
@ cannofbliss, by the sounds of it u mite wanna try and put ur plants in a propagtor with alot of humidity, if there that small then it sounds like the need more airborne moisture as opposed to direct watering into the grow medium.
@ essex, hi mate, you get around a bit dont you?lol


Well-Known Member
@ rolling, try flushing ur ww for a week to clear any over nuting in the soil, and then restart feeding at a low level, 2ml per litre, if the start getting plaer after that then up the nutes but only a little
@ cannofbliss, by the sounds of it u mite wanna try and put ur plants in a propagtor with alot of humidity, if there that small then it sounds like the need more airborne moisture as opposed to direct watering into the grow medium.
@ essex, hi mate, you get around a bit dont you?lol
thanks for the advice man +rep


Well-Known Member
Lets try again on the update.

Ive changed the lights to 12/12 and the bulb.
I put in another 25w cfl

Church plants are great and healthy lovely white hairs are showing.

The WW has grown more but at the top of the plant its sealed and has no upward growth. In that case the plant is now growing outwards and up but is progressing.




Well-Known Member
those ladies lok nice and hella healthy.. good work man;; this is when things get exciting... Check mine out if you get a chance goin in week 4 of 12/12. Mine arent as healthy as yours and or WW look way different imo


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, :joint:

The church plants are doing well growing by day, signs of the first long hairs and pistils are sprouting. The soil was dry and ready for some flowering nutes today which gives them that extra boost and hopefully soon we will see more signs and sprouts of flowers.

The WW is doing great too and has grown alot this week. I will put up some pics this weekend for you guys and you will see the transformation of growth! :peace:


Active Member
Good looking plants... I would recommend some prunning and LST next time though... since I implemented this in my grow my yeild per plant has doubled.... definitely worth checking out... I also don't set my plants to flower until they show gender, I think this is the plant letting one know its ready to make some babies... just a theory but seems to work pretty well for me...
Im scribed... gonna start germing my church seeds tonight.
I'll be doing hydro myself... what kind of nutes and what strength are you giving them beauties?


Well-Known Member
Good looking plants... I would recommend some prunning and LST next time though... since I implemented this in my grow my yeild per plant has doubled.... definitely worth checking out... I also don't set my plants to flower until they show gender, I think this is the plant letting one know its ready to make some babies... just a theory but seems to work pretty well for me...
Im scribed... gonna start germing my church seeds tonight.
I'll be doing hydro myself... what kind of nutes and what strength are you giving them beauties?
Well I was using canna terra pro flores and vega, but all I got from them was hassle and deficiency so I changed the nutes to HESI soil package which has the nutes seperate so you can adjust thier needs to the correct intake. Much better to have them seperate rather than 2 part nutes.

My current strength is 1/4 which is like 10ml to every 10L one by one. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Had to do some maintenance on the grow box as the plants are starting to get too tall!
Never the less I came up with an idea how I could keep them in the box and raise the lights.

Now I cut the white sheeting then fitted drywall plugs into the ceiling and hooks to adjust the height of the light where as before it was fitted.

Anyways the plants are doing brilliant! Starting to flower nicely and the white widow has progressed so much and is looking vibrant and healthy!

Pics :joint: :hump:



Well-Known Member
I have some church that i will be harvesting soon, can't wait. I will have maybe 8zips wet and 4 dry. It is a beautiful plant and has a very nice cola formation on it. I counted about 30 buds on each plant about 4 inches in length. Very hard buds with good internode spacing. The plants are extremely hardy for me. They are on FARM NUTES. I vegged them for about 3 months. I will grow this again I am sure. The trimming part is going to be easy as the buds are smaller but they are alot of them. Also have white widow which is my personal med plant. For me the ww is the supreme plant in the nursery, I am on the 5th generation of clones from my original mother that yielded 6 oz at 5 ft tall. I get everything I need from the ww. But for recreational I use the bubblegum plant and the ww for the weeks I have chemo. Stage 4 colon cancer patient in adjuvent therapy. Jane

Impressive lol. question, did u notice any changes between generations?