just checked the 2 plants that didnt show sex. the masive Ata tundra and the Trance (fem)
and they have both shown sex! they are both femaleyey!!
only took a pic of the Trance though, she looks lovely already
oh, it is very hot though, i had it on for about 1 minute, then i realised i hadnt taken the blue protective sheeting or whatever it is thats stuck to the reflector. i turned the light off, tried to take the sheeting off, it slightly touched the bulb and it started to stick to the bulb and melt!! arghh, i cleaned it with tissue paper after, it seemed to come off pretty easy. its been on for about a week, so theres no hot spots.
hi matehey bob, long time no speak. those tundra seeds u gave me were great. they had a citrus taste to them and made my legs numb,lol. ill think about sending u some of the last tundra that is flowering, its the least i can do.
take care
yer she lightened up about it but i only want to do 1 more grow. im going for max yield which will mean max profit - i could really use the money. so i probably wont be doing a SOG.hi mate
ive been following ya journal looks like youve had a few ups and downs lol its all part of the learning curve ya learn more when ya get a few things wrong because you want to know why
when ya grow goes right or seems to you learn very little when your a new grower.
good to see ya mrs has lightened up a bit bet your like a dog with two tails lol
did you get ya cash back on those lights ya mate still got a bargain even with one down.
i see youve got a 600 now why not try the old sea of green or shed of green lol have a look at AL B FUCT's get a harvest every 2 weeks the guys awesome
dont worry about the gear ive got plenty to go at down here i think those ata seeds saved the day for ya lol i was well suprised they all germed fair play to ya you would have got alot more gear off them if youd vegged em longer i know it was a fast grow lol catch ya soon
everythin is goin ok, they have grown abit. only problem im having is that the top leafs are blocking light for the low leafs..