They sure would if you were an aphid . . . .lady bugs dont look very dangerous
Truthfully, fleas would move too fast.Well no I don't but I am pretty sure they will eat all sorts of little baddies if they can, im wondering if they dont eat fleas and the like from animals...My cat and dog have a few now and then and it takes days to hunt them out....I am thinking they might like em?
My old room mate grew some buds that were coated in gnats. At the time he thought he would be able to remove them at harvest or little by little along the way. Didn't work. Cleaned up a bit and sold it to some dum dums. It was one of the grossest shit I have seenIm sure we all have smoked some bugz in our life. Didnt actually think about it until this post. The things that make u go umm...Oh hows the griw goin? Any new porn pics?