White Widow x AK47 & Afghan Kush [1st grow] - Mr. GER

GP Rust

I'd been meaning to document my grow and have started a grow journal in my own capacity.

Thought it would be cool to share my experiences here and hopefully get some valuable knowledge from the FAR more experienced growers here on rollitup. I am a complete noob when it comes to indoor growing and would love all the input I can get! [I have grown an outdoor guerilla grow, but the worries involved with that are quite a world different].


  • 2 - white widow x ak47 feminised
  • 2 - afghan kush feminised

Medium / Nutrients:

  • Promix
  • Organic nutrients. Got quite a selection. will go into more detail of this as it becomes applicable.


  • 4 x 10l (2.6gallon) freedom pots (my countries equivalent of smart pots)

Grow Environment

  • 1.2m x 0.9m cupboard (extended)
  • reflection: sisalation
  • outtake fans: 4 x 120mm pcfans.
  • intake fans: 4 x 120mm pc fans
  • interior: 2-3 PC fans.
  • humidity: basic humidifier & moist towel
  • Will be getting a temperature / humidity test ASAP.
  • 5 x 23w (cool) CFL for initial veg stages [will build it up to 160w]
  • 1 x 160w (daylight) CFL
  • 1 x 250w (daylight) CFL
  • 2 x 250w (red) CFL
I use CFL's and with the amount I have you might ask why I didn't just get LED /mH. Well I bought these slowly over the years, so with a bit of hindsight I probably should have, but you cant have too much light now can you! Also I don't like metalhalide / hps because of the heat.

I am using an old oven grid and fixed the ballasts of the CFL to the grid. The grid is there attached to pulleys that I bought from a hydroponics shop. Together they can hold 100kg - so im confident it will be enough.
The pulleys are attached via metal fisheyes (bolted - not screwed) to the roof of the grow box (wooden plyboard that seperated the different levels of my cupboard - before i converted it into a grow box)


I put the seeds in spring water for 24h then into paper towels untill the root is long enough for planting.
I started the white widows last week thursday, and the afghans yesterday.
The WW are already planted in the promix and the afghans will be removed from the water and put into their paper towels tonight.


I have been using spring water with a pH of 6.2 for germination.
When the seeds are in the promix I am dropping the pH of the water to roughly 5 so that the run off is around 7 (quite high, still working on this and tips would be appreciated - this is what my other post is about if you guys want to check it out).
I am currently using a pH pen of my friends. He started growing his WW x AK seeds at the same time as me, so we are growing "together" as moral support - both first time indoor growers.


Will post pictures later today of the little babies popping out the soil, but nothing too much too see at the moment.
Will show pictures of my entire set up when I have the chance.

Please feel free to leave my some tips and ideas, I am open to suggestions!

I started germination of the two strains on different days.

White Widow X AK47 [WW]- 11/05/17 @ 11am
Afghan Kush [Afg] - 14/05/17 @ 4pm

I leave the seeds in still water until they crack open. Both the WW and Afg took 24+1=25h.
They were then put into moist tissue paper.

I planted the WW into styrofoam cups with my grow medium (see above) on Sunday 14/05/17 @ 10am.

The Afg was left in water until 6pm the next day, so 26h. Both sees had cracked open significantly and had little tails sticking out. Admittedly, I had forgotten about them and only remembered at 6. They were then put into tissue.

I am typing this on the Tuesday the 16/05 @ 9pm - so 53h after putting the seeds in water and they are already making me nervous to leave them over night - both seeds have a nice root forming. Unfortunately I only got the water I wanted today and wanted to flush my medium with some lower pH water (5) (the run-off seemed to be a bit high).

The WW when I planted it after 71h had smaller taproots.

Interesting observations. I feel leaving the seeds in water longer, until they have cracked open nicely, is quite good for growth. I have germinated a lot of cannabis seeds (despite this being my first INDOOR grow) and I have yet to leave the seeds in the water so long that they crack open. I always take them about short of 24h. This was my first time leaving them in until they cracked open, and I am happy with the results.
The WW plants are looking good. It is their Day 3 since being planted on the morning of 14/05.

The one plant started stretching, while both were a bit wonky. I wasn't too phased as I am aware plants can come out in the funniest ways. The stretching on the other hand I thought I could fix, by adjusting my lighting.

Stretching is generally regarded as being the plant searching for the light. So the solution is to increase the light available to the plant. Either by moving the lights closer (possible for me with low watt CFL lights) or by increasing the amount of lumens (I don't like doing this very early in the plants life).

I am currently running 2x23w cool CFLs giving me a 46w in total. I was happy with this amount so I decided to drop the lights very close, but got a bit too close for a few hours today and noticed the one (taller) plant start to fall over. Since then I brought the lights a bit further away and within an hour the plant had straightened out. The taller one doesn't seem to be stretching too much, while the other (smaller) one seems to be catching up and has stretched a bit today.

Overall they are still slightly wonky :P. but they look healthy and green. I gave them quite a "large" dose of water, maybe got too excited, but I will be leaving them to dry out nicely till the morning (unless I'm up late and they dry).

I also put more clay Leca balls on top, to prevent the medium from moving so much when I water them. (it seems to be slowing down the evaporation of the water in the medium as well - whether this is beneficial or not I will still see).

Got a thermo hygrometer today, and my temp is sitting at 23ºc, with RH @ 47%. RH is a bit low, but considering I only got means to measure it today - I'm satisfied.

Update: The WW seedlings are taking well to the added 30 watt lights. They nice and straight and don't look to be stretching anymore since 12 hours ago.

Temp: 23ºC
RH: 47%
Lights: 23 + 23 + 15 + 15 = 76w cool CFL
Distance from canopy: 10cm
Transplanted the 2 WW in styrofoam cups, perhaps too soon, but the tap root was growing out the bottom of the cup and I didn't want it to get damaged.

Here are some pictures of the set up.

THe 2 Afg. seeds popped up and are also in the chamber with the WW (at the back).

Currently under 160w + 250w daylight CFLs = 410w. I angled the lights on that side for while the lights are still small!

I did a very light foliar spray of Kelpac (locally produced seaweed extract - very good stuff) after the transplant last night to help with shock & to stimulate root growth. Concentration: 1ml / 1l water. pH = 6.2

Left the pots and gave a light water this morning. Being in 10l pots my challenge is to not over water the plants, but to ensure the pot is evenly watered as well! I am a culprit of overwatering, so I am trying my best.

I have gotten into the habbit of only checking them for water at the beginning and end of the day. I hope to only water every morning.

Day update:

WW = day 5
Afg. = day 220170519_122422[1].jpg 20170519_122436[1].jpg
I'm wondering if the lights are too close, but the plants don't see to be showing any signs of defect after a solid 24h under them. Got a significant 15cm gap and I can comfortable hold my hand there for ever - so it isn't too hot.

I have read there is no limit to how much light a plant could get, rather the heat and other aspects normally stress it.

Great information. when starting from seedling you should use smaller pots. Even a 16oz solo cup works well. Then gradually work your way up from there. Other than that you have the right idea. Good looking grow
Great information. when starting from seedling you should use smaller pots. Even a 16oz solo cup works well. Then gradually work your way up from there. Other than that you have the right idea. Good looking grow

Thanks for the input bro! Value all the help I can get.

I had the 2 WW in solo cups, but when the tap root started growing out the bottom of the cup I panicked and transplanted them ><, I have come to realise this may have been too soon, but gotta work with what I've got. I am hoping for not too many set backs due to this.

Trying to make sure I am watering properly is probably my biggest concern.

Slight Purpling, going to be dropping back on the watering from now on.

Hoping for the best!

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So I must be mad. But I have transplanted all 4 plants back to small cups (500ml).

I was suggested it by 2 people and I went for it. I was struggling to maintain correct moisture levels in the 10l (~2.5gallon) pots.

I foliar sprayed with kelpac. The leaves are drooping slighty. But I kinda expected it.

Going to leave them now and water with a light spray once a day. I back them to come back, even if they are a bit behind schedule.
So this morning the plants fell over.
The comedy of errors begin. The plate that they were on broke and when I lifted they fell over. It was about a 5cm drop and basically just top top layer of soil fell off. Put them back as delicately as possible.

On the plus side 2/3 who were dropping yesterday are straight. And it seems like their stems are going green.

Hoping for the best
Hey guys, Here is an update.

The plants are looking alright. Leaves are a bit droopy (but I'm not surprised - given how much stress I put them through).

The stems are still purple, but I have established a better watering regiment - which should eliminate my original over watering problem.

I have decided to get a couple more seeds on the go. 1 more Afg.; 1 new strain: Wipeout Express Autoflower (WE); and then multiple Swaziland Gold (SG) bag seeds,.

I plan on having about 15 solo cups vegging at the same time, and will eliminate the SG plants, as my grow tent starts filling up.

SG was my first experiences growing, I grew a successful indoor and guerilla (mountain) grow with them over the past 3 years. They are a lovely 100% Sativa landrace strain from my country and it is very easy to come by seeds [the ganja you buy normally has its fair share]. The high is lovely and the plant grows vigorously, so I thought it would be a good strain to just have more practice when it comes to germination and seedling handling.

So many mo ths down the line and a few plants dead. I currently have 2 Critical Jack plants in the final stage of flowering - so atleast there was a learning curve.

Here is a pic of the ladies in my cupboard.

Flowering under 3x250w and 1x160w cfls. Dual spectrum.

Haven't had any major problems with these ladies, other tham a slight heat problem which I sorted out with 2 additional exhausts (1 active 1 passive).



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Here are some close-ups on the one plant that is about 2 weeks away from harvest. I'd like to harvest at around 50%

The 2nd plant is a week behind, but is covered in THC. No flash used in that pic.


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