white widow x big bud day 47 of flower........


hi guys just an update on the girls from last time been about two weeks since last pics, starting to see some yellowing all over plants now started at the bottom and slowly moving to the top. i flushed the five girls last week with 30ltrs of water each (they in 11ltr pots) and water again once drey will 3/4strength nutes.

heard loads of info about buds swelling in last 2 weeks of flower is there anything i should be doing or adding at this point?

it seems as if 2 of the plants are way ahead in terms of finishing compared to other 2 of them seem like the pistils are starting to receed into calyxs whilst the tallest plant seems to be at least a week behind would it be better to chop the ones that are done then leave other to finish rather than all at the same time?
btw this is my first grow
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Well-Known Member
if i were u id be well pleased!!!! if my first grow looked anything like this i would have been happy.if they r defo ready chop them and leave the rest to mature a bit u dont want to over do them and the thc start to degarde


Well-Known Member
what is your setup like? light? tent size? looks good, in the last 2 weeks i give nothing but water to flush out all the nutrient so that you get smooth smoke and it burns and tastes better too. Not everyone flushes so since its your first you could try flush some and leave some and see what YOU like best

edit: about cutting them dont cut them according to a date or all together, cut them as they ripen you can get a 30x jewellers loupe for every cheap.

Clear trichomes: not ready
Milky: peak of THC - energetic high
Amber: couchlock, degrading thc

harvest according to your preference


what is your setup like? light? tent size? looks good, in the last 2 weeks i give nothing but water to flush out all the nutrient so that you get smooth smoke and it burns and tastes better too. Not everyone flushes so since its your first you could try flush some and leave some and see what YOU like best

edit: about cutting them dont cut them according to a date or all together, cut them as they ripen you can get a 30x jewellers loupe for every cheap.

Clear trichomes: not ready
Milky: peak of THC - energetic high
Amber: couchlock, degrading thc

harvest according to your preference
setup is 600w hps with 5inch fan and rhino carbon filter 6inch circulating fan inside for airflow 11ltr pots with canna terra
using ionic nutes grow (for veg) and bloom (for flower)
tent size is 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m

i started of with 8 in side but 3 hermied on me i heard it was common with this strain left with 5 happy looking ladies tho :-)


oh i thanks for the comments guys hope i get a gud dry weight and the 60x scope is in the post as we speak :-)

will do one last feed then flush up until havest


Active Member
looking beautiful, I have a WW x BB going right now also and I think it's going to be my best plant. I'm about ten days behind you and mine are definitely not that big lol


just got scope through today but trics are all still clear so goin keep a close eye on them everyday from now :-)

done last feed yesterday so just feeding with pure water from now on. still undecided on the 72 hour dark period before harvest to increase resin?
any advice?


its been a while but a quick up date guys the total dry harvest weight of my first grow was just over 12oz (mold free) thats from 5 plants

:-) happy as a pig in shit, the things i will change next time is to include more fans in the grow area to prevent mold and to upgrade the pot size from 11ltrs to maybe 25- 30 litres

thanks for all the help you lot have giving me throughout its really appreciated


New Member
Dead thread but I am doing the ww x bb in a 3 x 4 tent under a 1000w hps with flood and drain four plants 30 ish day veg 40 ish days into flower now and they look nothing compared to that. I have about 15 tops per plant and each top is about 5-8 inches long. I will post some pics from day 35 flower. Mine didnt stretch I think due to light proximity but they do have several tops. Ill get pics of girls tonight when lights turn on today is day 46 of flower pics are from day 35. Comments? Btw using full canna aqua lineup with all additives plus stow storm ultra and humbolts gravity.



Active Member
May have a couple of weeks left yet. When you chop just make sure it is after a period of darkness (At last 12 hours), not during or at end of light period. How long you leave in dark after this is down to individual preference. I just do the 12 hours.