For sure. I run a 400 Watter myself. I can do 4 plants with great results. I perfer to keep it in the 2-4 range with my 400W and grow space. Here, check this out. This is a video of my White Widow girls in there last week of flowering.Yea Ill probably just do 4 plants of BBWW, would a 400watt HPS/MH light grow thoose good? Id double top each plant to get 4 colas on each plant
My 2 White Widows (Not crossed with anything) Stretched bigtime when it was put into flowering. But it also went from Fluero's to a 400W HPS. And my growing room isn't huge so the light on them was intense. Mine got so big they maxed out my light height. Couldn't move the light up anymore.I have 2 running of female seeds wwidow x big bud. but they lack vigour while in veg. one deciced to pop nanners 1 week in flower but i sprayed it with some reverse.. 400hps 1 in 5gal bucket the second in a 3.5 gal. I can tell theyre gonna end up fire the 5gal is in the second week and already producing crystals.. they dont really stretch after the transition to flowering. mines didnt even double in size..?
Sweet, are you going to start a thread and post some pictures? Or a journal? I would love to see that grow.ive heard ur cross is a great yeilder