White widow!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
White Widow Clones taken from mother on October 07 2008. Clones Transplanted practically 2 weeks after cut ( 10/20/08 ). 1 1000 watt MH and 1 400 watt HPS with 3 ebb 3x3 flood trays. Each tray has a 50 gallon reservoir which is only filled to 30 gallons. I am using General Hydro's Keep it simple solution (Along with a few other nutes i added) technique for my plants. I maintain a PH of 6.0 and keep the reservoir well aerated with an air stone. I foliar feed once a day when the lights come on with dutch masters penetrator and liquid light. The room maintains a temp between 75-80 F when the lights are on. I have adequate air flow and ventilation in the room.

I will be posting pic every 3-5 days of their growth.......Hope you all enjoy because I sure do.

We will Start with the Basic design of the grow room

1000 Watt MH/HPS

400 Watt HPS

Clone Chamber

Where the Clone Chamber is placed

Another View of the Clone Chamber

October 20 2008

October 23 2008

October 28 2008

November 2 2008

November 8 2008

November 10 2008

November 13 2008

November 14 2008

November 15 2008

November 17 2008



Well-Known Member
Hey smot360

Looking good. I am pullin up a chair.

I got 3 or 4 WW fem seeds poppin right now. Havent grown it before.
This will be good.



Well-Known Member
Got some more pic for ya guys......

November 19

November 19

Clones just taken from the white widow plants November 17

November 18

November 19



Well-Known Member
I'm curious how you are going to keep mothers/clones going? I have a similar set up. But I keep one tray in veg, and two in flower. (seperate areas) This way every month I harvest a tray. Do you have another area for clones/veg/mothers? The light for the clones will fuck up your flowering.


Well-Known Member
I have no mothers! I take cuttings from most of the plants in the room and veg those and just the the plants continue. If you can see the clone chamber is underneath the trays so when i start to flower what i will do is put up some poly shield(black on outside, white on inside plastic) around the entire chamber......I will just leave them in there for like 1-2 months that way the bud cycle is done.......I will also build another clone chamber for the other side of the trays for more room for when they grow up.


Well-Known Member
2 month clones sound kind of sketchy. Is there any way you could put up a "false wall"?

These pics suck, they are from my phone.



Well-Known Member
LoL all my pics are from my phone as well.......I was thinking about what you said and building a false wall were to reduce my quantity of buds because i would only use 2 for flower and 1 for veg.........But I started thinking about the cloning chamber itself and thought to my self how about if i build one of these but like 7 feet tall 4 or 5 wide and just poly it up and get another 3x3 tray and throw that in there.....Then i could take clones from the room, put it in the mini chamber then into the veg chamber then to the flower...What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Alright I just switched out my metal halide with my high pressure sodium and cut the light down to 12/12 (HUSTIN WE ARE NOW BUDDING!!)

November 21 2008

November 21 2008

Clones November 21 2008



Well-Known Member
I just take clones and veg for two months also. I grow it a few times and then pick up another strain. Its too easy nowadays with the internet you can get anything you want shipped to your door.

Why keep mothers?

Unless of course you need more than that...


Well-Known Member
hey, very nice setup! damn, those clones look really strong.. thats interesting that u dont use mother plants.. I just do like cruzer101, start a crop from seed, flower them then start a new crop with a new strain off the internet.. I like to try all different kinds.. my brain seems to adapt to a particular strain and makes the high weaker.. anyway, your setup though should really allow you to pump out a huge amount of weed again and again. rock on!


Well-Known Member
That is a very good question and I'm glad you asked. The Main reason why we cut the leaves off the clones is so that they don't have all that vegetable matter to support so it can concentrate all of the food to producing roots and so forth. Plus when you have clones the way they accept water is through their leaves and if you got these big honken leaves there just gonna take a lot to feed and the plants will start to wilt and so on........You mist the clones for like a week or so.....I'm sure there's another better logical explanation but this is my experience so I'm going with that lol!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Everyone for the delay but my computer has been comprimised.......(It broke!)
I went ahead and made a few changes to the room desgin due to some insightful ideas from Blunted1......But instead of completley bulding another room i just bought some Poly shield and just divided the room!

Room mod.

Room mod.

Room mod.

Clones December 02 2008

Roots December 02 2008

December 02 2008
