white widow


Active Member
just started to grow white widow . into the fourth week of vegging and its about 6-8 inches tall now. any ideas as to when i should switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
depends on how much space you have, i like to let them get to 12-14 inches and then i lollypop after first 2 weeks of stretch!


Well-Known Member
If you have the room then let them grow. I have had my WW's grow 36" before flowering. Just remember they can double in size in flower stage.


Well-Known Member
The plant grows 1 to 3 Feet after inducing flowering so
factor that in to how much space you have verticly hope this helps

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what lighting are you using? cfl? and yeah, 12/12 can be done whenever you like. earlier you do it, smaller the plant will be, smaller the yield

grow space

Well-Known Member
good luck man-growing white widow myself outdoors only-i have topped it and its under LST-still vegging-really bushy plant, just love it:):):)


Well-Known Member
there's tons of different white widows... every seed breeder has their own version...
Quite right ... which breeder's WW are you growing? ... I had Nirvana's WW and it was a disaster! Light airy buds with no taste, or smell, with a so so buzz.


Well-Known Member
just got some Greenhouse seeds WW and I heard they were one of the first... Beautiful looking nug though, like it was drizzilled with sugar,...


Well-Known Member
i veg my WW plants under CFL's until their large enough to survive outside, then i let them vegg outside until they get around 2.5 or 3 feet.... then i move them inside for flowering under a 1000 watt hps with hortilux, so far they love it.... and i like ur ladies u got there, theyre nice and bushy, my white widow is right over 3 feet right now since she has been only flowering for 2 days... she is around 2 months and 2 weeks... shes very tall not very bushy, my white widow is mostly sativa im thinking,,, i got them from http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/white-widow-max.html ... good luck on ur grow man :peace::peace::peace:


Active Member
The strain of white Widow i have came from Dutch Passion. They seem to be a Fairly bushy plant and not very tall. I kept pulling the main stems over so the nodes would grow to become new tops.
When i kicked them over they streched quite a bit. i keept my light 12 to 14 inches above at all times. I switched to flower at around 4 1/2 weeks.

3 1/2 weeks in to veg from clones

5th week into flower

5th week flower


Active Member
Here are my White Widows from dutch passion seeds. I switched them over at about 4 1/2 weeks from clone. you will get get quite a bit of stretch as you can see.

around 3 1/2 weeks veg

5th week flower


Well-Known Member
I have some White Widow as well about to plant.. I have the "Seedsman" version. Anyone ever grow this one? how was it??



Well-Known Member
I'm growing the seedsman version currently. it's a super bushy plant that doesn't stretch as bad as my DP blue cheese. I topped them once and they seem to like it, but i won't really know until it starts budding a little better (6 days into flowering, 24 inches).


Well-Known Member
I'm growing the seedsman version currently. it's a super bushy plant that doesn't stretch as bad as my DP blue cheese. I topped them once and they seem to like it, but i won't really know until it starts budding a little better (6 days into flowering, 24 inches).
Cool, let us know how it goes.