White Widow'ers... 6 Weeks into Flower?


Well-Known Member
I believe I'm on week 6 (June 20th)... I'm wondering if having it on the table closer to the light will give a higher yield or better colas? or should i sit it in the tray?



Well-Known Member
You're using air-cooled, so turn your hand upside-down, put it on the top of the plant and lower the light until it takes 15-20 seconds to make the back of your hand uncomfortable from heat. Then raise the light up about 2-3".

My last batch of Widow took just over 10 weeks to finish (80% cloudy, 10% clear, 10% amber).



Well-Known Member
I'd keep her on the table. You have an air-cooled hood, and plenty of ventilation. Closer to the light the better. But, I wouldn't let it get any closer than 6 inches. I run something similar (400w air cooled), and I tend to keep it about 8 inches from the canopy. If you want to keep your plants on the ground, maybe get yourself some yo-yo's, or ratchets so you can drop the light to the plants, instead of bringing the plant to the light. ::subbed:: Looking good! Can't wait to see her progress.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Keep your palm of hand distance away from light and add 2 inches to that just in case plants grow and raise them.
That's only a 600 watt and air cooled. Definitely get all those closer.
Didn't see other plants for a second.. thought you had one under a 600. Would've been really upset lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input Spek i had already prepped myself for a 10 week run on the WW i hear its a lot longer flowering time I will keep you and everyone else updated through the next 4 weeks... Thanks