white widows leaves dying =,<


I have been growing my widow for a while now and she is just starting to get bushy, but some of the lower leaves have started to die at the tips, it goes a yellow colour for about 2mm at the spike....Normal?



Well-Known Member
not sure. is your plant in flowering??? if so, yes, this is normal for a plant to do this.. especially during flowering.


Well-Known Member
when the bottom (feeder) leaves start turning yellow it means the plant is lacking nitrogen. Start feeding it some nutrients with a high N content.

you might want to do some reading too if you don't know what flowering is lol


i have done alot of reading and it always say 'blah blah blah when its flowering' it just never actually describes what it looks like or is.
just asked a question, i didn't exprect to be mocked.

nitrogen... sweet.



Well-Known Member
haha.. not mocking you but if you did do reading then you should know what flowering is.

Ok, so vegging is when the plant grows fan leaves and just gets taller and bushier but doesn't produce bud. Usually the veg light cycle is 24/0, 20/4, 18/6 sometimes 16/8 (ex. 24 hours lights on and 0 hours lights off). Flowering is when the plant starts to produce flowers or bud. Its nearing the end of its life cycle and produces the bud to make seeds for offspring and these buds as everyone knows are the amazing gifts of god that we smoke :bigjoint:. Flowering light cycle is generally 12/12

but yeah, if youre in veg then you have a nitogen deficiency but in flowering when the plant is trying to produce buds, it kills off the lower fan leaves and they'll turn yellow and eventually die