White Window 3rd week flower almost no smell


Well-Known Member
Through veg they had almost no smell, and still very little. I didn't think White Widow was a low odor strain. Seeds from Crop King, I'm beginning to wonder what I got here. First seeds I bought, I'll be buying from Barney's and other established breeders from here out. Any feedback on White Widow smell? My Acapulco Gold smelled like heaven. They look okay but damn no smell..

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Well-Known Member
I have grown WW from two different sources which I believe to be the same. One was from NIrvana and the other was green house. I got a large yielding plants that pretty much sucked. It is good for breeding but it's really not that dank. But I do know WW use to be dope early 90's but most of those have been renamed or lost..


Well-Known Member
I've grown dinafem and seedsman ww. The dinafem was a fast growing large plant but not all that strong.

The seedsman was a totally different plant. The site says sativa dominant. The ones I popped were sativa leaning with an energetic buzz.

Both seemed to not smell all that much till the end.


Well-Known Member
I will further say that I don't remember them smelling that much.

Of course my current run has a cheese bomb from bomb seeds.

I've come to the conclusion that I will not grow cheese and skunks indoors anymore. Even with name brand filters I've had to double up on them. One in front and behind the fan.

Lol. Yea some strains reek! Others are pretty tame.


Well-Known Member
ha yeah I thought about a cheese but asked myself, "cheese?"

my Acapulco Gold had a diesel/pine smell, very dank and tasty. I have some ACE Malawi seeds, gonna pop them after these wenches do whatever they'll do.. :)


Well-Known Member
Might be another week before it kicks up the smell. I have a congo growing now and I thought it smelled in early flower but after week 5-6 it made my area just reek like cat piss.


Well-Known Member
Let me know how it turns out or turned out

Thanks for asking, I'm 2 1/2 weeks away from 8 weeks in flower. Small tight buds are frosting up nicely, but still very light on smell for white widow IMO. I can smell them opening the tent but still very mild, a pinch to sugar leaves gives a pine/skunk smell but fades from my fingers fast. I could smell 1st grow on my fingers for hours. :) Fresh pics:
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I'm convinced I need to ditch the Chinese LED for fat buds, but hopefully they'll keep popping out pistils and will fatten up a bit more. I'll fault the LED for bud size, but still think genetics are sketchy, they seem more like a Northern Lights but oh well I'll see..


Well-Known Member
Cheap genetics will do that. Look into reputable breeders like Sincity, Gage green group, Bhodi, Rare dankness, E$cobar. Ditch the generic Led and get a 315 LEC. The heat is minimal and the PAR is comparable to a 400 hps with the benefit of a fuller spectrum.


Thanks for asking, I'm 2 1/2 weeks away from 8 weeks in flower. Small tight buds are frosting up nicely, but still very light on smell for white widow IMO. I can smell them opening the tent but still very mild, a pinch to sugar leaves gives a pine/skunk smell but fades from my fingers fast. I could smell 1st grow on my fingers for hours. :) Fresh pics:
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I'm convinced I need to ditch the Chinese LED for fat buds, but hopefully they'll keep popping out pistils and will fatten up a bit more. I'll fault the LED for bud size, but still think genetics are sketchy, they seem more like a Northern Lights but oh well I'll see..
Your plants look awesome good for led. I'd go to his then sell a oz of so buy 2 600 watts do not listen to the idiots who say 1000 watt light will do the same as 2 600 there really stupid u get 10 times as much light coverage using. 2 600 as to one 1000 watt light be smart don't listen to idiots 2 is always better then one here's my northern lights



Well-Known Member
Your plants look awesome good for led. I'd go to his then sell a oz of so buy 2 600 watts do not listen to the idiots who say 1000 watt light will do the same as 2 600 there really stupid u get 10 times as much light coverage using. 2 600 as to one 1000 watt light be smart don't listen to idiots 2 is always better then one here's my northern lights
Thanks yeah I've managed to dial things in, the front left plant is the weakest, never looked as good as the others. I'm exploring options thanks for the tip


Me and my buddy's grew white widow before it stunk up the last week for us was super potent and clean. With barley a smell till u crack a bud the leaves were covered in thc I got some seeds my self white widow feminized the other day Most of what ur growing I got now so this helps me a lot to see the estimate I can have for when I grow mine as well