Whitehouse petition - full legalization for ages 21+

love my jardin
Someday I will upgrade to a jardin. When I made the decision to go indoors on my own I wanted to do it as economically as possible. ie I wasn't making good money at the time. I think my total for everything was just under $500. Paid for itself over many times by now. The jardins are nice, maybe next year.

I think that quite a few petitions fall under the 2 checkboxes of "reckless cluelessness" and "clueless recklessness"
Someday I will upgrade to a jardin. When I made the decision to go indoors on my own I wanted to do it as economically as possible. ie I wasn't making good money at the time. I think my total for everything was just under $500. Paid for itself over many times by now. The jardins are nice, maybe next year.
youll love all the vents and holes and stuff for ducts.. really nice tent, i was definitely happy.. also comes with a cool carrying bag lol
youll love all the vents and holes and stuff for ducts.. really nice tent, i was definitely happy.. also comes with a cool carrying bag lol
I have enough vents, even the rectangular screened in flaps on the bottom. The zipper sucks on mine and the material isn't the heaviest. Also my vent holes are 5 inch. WTF is up with that? lol. But it was inexpensive and does what I need. I always like to check out the jardins when I visit the local hydro store though.
I have enough vents, even the rectangular screened in flaps on the bottom. The zipper sucks on mine and the material isn't the heaviest. Also my vent holes are 5 inch. WTF is up with that? lol. But it was inexpensive and does what I need. I always like to check out the jardins when I visit the local hydro store though.
I think we have the same tent.:)
Capitalism is not human nature. It is not instinctual. Especially greedy capitalism with complete disregard to consumer and environment.

Hoarding is, whether it be power or commodities.
I submit that greed and solipsism are indeed basic human qualities. cn
Hoarding is, whether it be power or commodities.
I submit that greed and solipsism are indeed basic human qualities. cn

Greed is not a basic human quality. Eating, sleeping, sex and competition are. However, by extension, any of the prior mentioned could lead to gluttony, but certainly not a basic instinct.

The basic quality of any business is to survive, not to attain as much, in this case, wealth, as possible. Only greedy and potentially unlawful businesses do this.
Greed is not a basic human quality. Eating, sleeping, sex and competition are. However, by extension, any of the prior mentioned could lead to gluttony, but certainly not a basic instinct.

The basic quality of any business is to survive, not to attain as much, in this case, wealth, as possible. Only greedy and potentially unlawful businesses do this.

I contend that greed is indeed a basic quality, selected in by millions of years of greedy bastards doing that little bit better.

The other day i noticed how sensitive my eardrum was to the slightest touch. I wonder (with a shudder) how that trait got selected in. it must have had significant survival value. cn
I contend that greed is indeed a basic quality, selected in by millions of years of greedy bastards doing that little bit better.

The other day i noticed how sensitive my eardrum was to the slightest touch. I wonder (with a shudder) how that trait got selected in. it must have had significant survival value. cn

excellent example of adaptation and survival, but not greed. doing a little bit better does not necessarily translate to greed.. I contend, that is competition.. survival if you will. Greed is a whole other beast entirely.
If greed was a basic human function wouldn't we all be greedy? We are not.

well no. because external forces can mitigate that basic human need, such as being a priest. not a pee-pee touching priest, but a real one. sex is a basic condition that is natural, but mitigated by an external force, which we call religion. greed though is different, and cannot be explained away by saying that since we all don't "have" it, therefore it must not be...
excellent example of adaptation and survival, but not greed. doing a little bit better does not necessarily translate to greed.. I contend, that is competition.. survival if you will. Greed is a whole other beast entirely.

I see the difficulty may be that the dictionary defines greed as excessive acquisitive impulse. So I restate my argument around possessive and not greedy. I think that will preserve my point while easing the lexicographic bottleneck ... what say you? cn
unless they're going to legalize it the way it's legal for everyone to grow tomatoes, we're better off with it staying underground. the reality is that it'll be legalized more like booze, with restrictions and licensing and all that cack, which will indeed open the way for Big Tobacco and Big Pharma, or any other corporate interest group that has the wherewithal to lobby the gubment in their favour.

i'm already living that particular nightmare. while there are certain perks i enjoy about being legal on a federal level, the flipside of that is when they come to pull the homegrow rug out from under us to hand it to Big Pharma (as they're already trying to do in canada), they do it to all of us across the country.

i'm already living that particular nightmare. while there are certain perks i enjoy about being legal on a federal level, the flipside of that is when they come to pull the homegrow rug out from under us to hand it to Big Pharma (as they're already trying to do in canada), they do it to all of us across the country.
Nevermind, I didn't look at location first.
I see the difficulty may be that the dictionary defines greed as excessive acquisitive impulse. So I restate my argument around possessive and not greedy. I think that will preserve my point while easing the lexicographic bottleneck ... what say you? cn

possessive is definitely a better word than greedy and relieves some of the misunderstanding to the point. in light of your repositioned argument I could agree to some extent, but still hold firm to the original idea that businesses in fact do not solely try to seek out possessions, and in your case, loosely argued, greedily so.

is it happening more often than not lately? yes, i can agree to that.. but this is only a narrowed observation. looking at this from a global perspective, i still think the original argument holds true