Whitesh beige yellow spots on cupping leaves???

Give us all your info. I know you posted recently but I can't find it. Lights, distance to lights, temps, medium, humidity and what nutes if any.


Well-Known Member
Are those marks from where the seed
hull was stuck?

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.


All the info-

strain is ghs- white lemon
lights- 2 2700k 100w equiv. 23w actual. 1 6500k 23w actual 100w equiv cfls
hieght from plants is about 6 inches
started nutes 3 days ago 250 ppm Lucas formula like 1/4 strength.
Coco coir hydroton at bottom
ph is 5.8-5.9
coco was flushed at begging to 5.8 ph 78ppm