who all is from California?

And I'm supposed to know who that is? Do your research before you start trying to send people to jail officer. And I noticed you didn't comment about the lift of the federal ban. No comment?
Yeah, why educate yourself when you can ignorantly tell someone who actually knows what they are talking about to "do your research."
I saw nothing in your laws saying anything about having a 215 and producing concentrates for personal use. The laws you posted are for if you don't have a 215. I've known no one to get arrested for 28.5 grams or more or less
Read the law, it's about making concentrates using dangerous chemicals like butane, not possessing or selling.

As Bergen correctly points out, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (§ 11362.5 et
seq.) provides a defense for qualified patients and their primary care givers to charges of
possession of marijuana for personal medical use (§ 11357) and to charges of cultivation
of marijuana for medical use (§ 11358). The act, however, provides no defense to a
charge of producing concentrated cannabis by chemical extraction. (See § 11362.5, subd.
(b)(2) [“Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting
persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others, nor to condone the diversion of
marijuana for nonmedical purposes”].) Accordingly, the Compassionate Use Act has no
application to the present appeal.

PEOPLE v. BERGEN (2008) Cal.App.
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I suppose you also don't know its now legal to grow and Sell weed on a reservation.
Grow weed yes sell weed no its spiritual medical to them so i guess small quantities to fellow residents of the reservation mite b ok but the trible police will tare your shit down forsure in your doing it for profit
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Bho is like getting charged for maken meth I know a few that had to do time sucks right!!!!
In Washington an Colorado manufacturing is legal... making bho is considered manufacturing and that is a felony if you use moonshine or something you can drink like ice water its jus making medicine... soon as i pull out your butane and run it over your trim you have just manufacturered that and its not legal here Yet
In Washington an Colorado manufacturing is legal... making bho is considered manufacturing and that is a felony if you use moonshine or something you can drink like ice water its jus making medicine... soon as i pull out your butane and run it over your trim you have just manufacturered that and its not legal here Yet
Possessionson of small amounts is not illegal jus like meth and herion is now a misdemeanor same as small amount of wax but get stoped with enough on you and you will take the ride
But anyone can do what they want im just tryn to tell ya wat iv seen people i know went down for but yea brotha to each his own lol how the fuck else would all this wax get around :lol:
Is it also illegal for me to persu my 215 and get my vendors licence to sell to clubs? And if concentrates are illegal why do clubs sell it?
Cuz there shady fucks working though loop holes jus like the rest of us and all they have to say was we didnt k ow it was bho could have been dry ice or rosin tech lol that simple man just say u used your ol ladys hair straightener and maid it wat chemicals were involved then? theres always a way bro
Cuz there shady fucks working though loop holes jus like the rest of us and all they have to say was we didnt k ow it was bho could have been dry ice or rosin tech lol that simple man just say u used your ol ladys hair straightener and maid it wat chemicals were involved then? theres always a way bro
Some places dont even require that you have that fuckn vendors licence jus a bunch of bull shit really if someone really wanted to busg you they could but there prolly not goin to waste there time i could see if you were going scar face with it but joe blow na ....Least i Hope not :shock: