Who am I, Where am I, Why am I?

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
soooooo many ways to answer this, scientifically, philosophically, stupidly, and simply, to put it simply, everything is whatever the fuck you want it to be, YOU decided your life, and what makes up your life, i could see purple as green, and neither of us would know that unless we are the both people, in short what reality, who you are, and why you are here are all up to you to decide, and then act accordingly. also according to your location, your in the jungle.


You posess the most complex information proccesing device, your brain, which is capable of solving very complex problems and is developing continuously. It takes in information through various senses and outputs information trough creation of something, let it be art, music or other forms of creation that satisfies our emotional needs, and is also capable of producing things that would satisfy our materialistic needs through process of planning the activity and carrying out the physical effort to do so, thus mind creates matter. Seems to me you overloaded your circuits with something so the mind pondered on a unsolvable problem and doesent have the proccesing power to carry out the calculation, so the best you can do is to feed it random anwser or it will get stuck in a infinite loop.