• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Who are "They"


New Member
Carpe mia ass baby. You guys are so full of crap that it's running down your chin. For every one that "makes" it there are a thousand others that are just as talented, just as smart, and just as ambitious that get eaten up by the system. After a few tries at the golden ring, most figure out the deck is stacked and just blend in. Let's use some common sense with this issue. 1.there is only so much money to go around. 2.It is controlled by those that have it. 3.To get it you must take it from those that have it. 4.Those assholes aren't eager to give it up. 5. If you find a mentor who helps you get it, you are one lucky son-of-a-bitch. I'll give you the one in a thousand earner, but anyone else that actually moves from proletariat to upper class has had some help, and probably done his-her share of major ass kissing. Don't confuse me with someone that actually is jealous of the rich, I believe they have their own unique problems. Could I use a little more money in my life, hell yes. Am I willing to risk putting another mortgage on my house to get some, hell no. I already own some rentals, they are a pain in the ass. Believe me, as soon as my little wifey retires, I'm selling all of them including my own house and moving out of this valley, Idaho sounds nice, Washington and Oregon are also in my scope. I might even consider Mormonville. New Mexico has it's good points, but I'll not venture any further east. Look guys, I'm not exactly Broke ass, but I'm a long way from wealthy. I'm content with my status and only post here about the selfishness of the rich. There is enough money to go around. If the wealthiest 5% would put 50% of their money into the social structure, this would be the greatest nation on earth. I'm not saying to hand out hundred dollar bills to the homeless, but build barracks on abandoned Military basses, put in a mess hall, open some sort of factory instead of shipping production to china, Provide medical to every citizen. Give a hand up, not a hand out. Come on now all you fellows that have made it. Are you really that insecure as to be saying fuck them. I'll bet that if you offered to help people get on their feet with programs that made them feel successful instead of feeling like a bum getting a handout, you'd see a drastic improvement in the quality of life for most everyone. Sure there are the incorrigibles, but society as a whole could be drastically improved. I'm even for building homeless shelters on golf courses, ~LOL~, that ought to make your blood boil,~LOL~.
Whoa, what a rant. Thanks Vi. It's all misguided, but I really liked this one; If the wealthiest 5% would put 50% of their money into the social structure. If this was to happen, within 10 years the "givers" would have their money back and the receivers would have new cars, tvs, jewelery, clothes, etc. etc. etc. Thats why the rich are rich and the poor are poor, if, and this is a big and important if,you completely disregard the fact that most people move upward through many "classes" in the course of their lifetime. It called making something of yourself. Something med unfortunately never had a chance to experience, it seems. Maybe some people are just born that way.


New Member
better or worse is only a point of view thats changes with history.
capitalism will be a foot note in a school book that is being read by a kid from a greater nation in the future.-capitalism will fall by it's own greedy hands.

capitalism is great for thoes who have,yes I agree with you 100%


New Member
And as an aside to med...You did NOT answer my question! You simply recited a hyperbolic litany of all of the imperfections of the dastardly selfish and greedy USA!

And I thank you for your appraisal. If the shoe fits....... I'ver already told you a modified form of capitalism would probably be best, one that allows the capitalists to be more socially responsible. What we need at this time on this planet is compassion, not greed. We don't need to build more godforsaken golf courses for rich assholes when there are people that are hungry and homeless right here in the good old USA. The notion that people with money are superior in any way other than wealth is hideous. They are not by virtue of their wealth, 1.smarter, 2. better looking, 3. cleaner and more virtuous, 4. more religious, or any other made up bullshit. Give that guy under the bridge that money and watch the transformation. Regardless of a persons status in life, they are a person, a human being, a child of God, and deserve all the same respect as any rich person. So all you fascists need to get on the right track and start helping these people instead of throwing darts. Where is your compassion?


Well-Known Member
Freedom for some means slavery for many. Your dollar two ninety-eight T shirt is made in China by capitalists for 18 cents. The workers get 2 cents apiece, yeah that is a great system for the owners of the business, but the rest of the players get the shaft. Now I know your going to tell me, "well, those players could be the owners" well, Bullshit. Not everyone can be owners and in a capitalist society, the owners rule and the workers get fucked, So in my humble estimation, there could be a better plan, like maybe a co-op type company where the employees own the company. That would give the employees incentive to work harder and better. Yeah those at the "top" wouldn't be able to walk with multi-million dollar salaries, but they don't deserve that much anyway. Please tell me how a CEO deserves 60 Million bucks a year while the factory workers are either getting laid off or working for peanuts. You oligarcic plutocratic fascists are a major pain in the ass.

Med your co-op plan exists in the US currently. Have you never heard of ESOP?

Additionally the "2 cents" you disparage is better than the 1 cent these workers would receive from alternative employment in their countries.
Do you really think that these mult-nationals set up shop in order to pay US wages? What they do is simply offer a better wage than is available to workers who are employed by pre existing workplaces in the respective nations.
They have long lines of people waiting to obtain the best wages available in their locales. These countries generally do not enjoy the freedoms available in more capitalistic countries; who are to blame for the conditions in these nations?
It is certainly not capitalism.
Entrepreneurship is the best means by which to generate wealth.
Upward mobility is what capitalism is all about.
Whose fault is it that you never started your own business?
What prevented you or more pointedly, what IS stopping you currently?
That's right, it is the man in the mirror my friend!


New Member
Whoa, what a rant. Thanks Vi. It's all misguided, but I really liked this one; If the wealthiest 5% would put 50% of their money into the social structure. If this was to happen, within 10 years the "givers" would have their money back and the receivers would have new cars, tvs, jewelery, clothes, etc. etc. etc. Thats why the rich are rich and the poor are poor, if, and this is a big and important if,you completely disregard the fact that most people move upward through many "classes" in the course of their lifetime. It called making something of yourself. Something med unfortunately never had a chance to experience, it seems. Maybe some people are just born that way.


Well-Known Member
And as an aside to med...You did NOT answer my question! You simply recited a hyperbolic litany of all of the imperfections of the dastardly selfish and greedy USA!

And I thank you for your appraisal. If the shoe fits....... I'ver already told you a modified form of capitalism would probably be best, one that allows the capitalists to be more socially responsible. What we need at this time on this planet is compassion, not greed. We don't need to build more godforsaken golf courses for rich assholes when there are people that are hungry and homeless right here in the good old USA. The notion that people with money are superior in any way other than wealth is hideous. They are not by virtue of their wealth, 1.smarter, 2. better looking, 3. cleaner and more virtuous, 4. more religious, or any other made up bullshit. Give that guy under the bridge that money and watch the transformation. Regardless of a persons status in life, they are a person, a human being, a child of God, and deserve all the same respect as any rich person. So all you fascists need to get on the right track and start helping these people instead of throwing darts. Where is your compassion?

med it is a well established fact that the vast majority of the so called homeless are addicts or alcoholics, in other words it is their choice. The only way they can get help is if they decide to help themselves.
Who said that the "rich" are any better than anyone else?
Simply giving money to these people just makes thing worse, where is your compassion?


New Member
med it is a well established fact that the vast majority of the so called homeless are addicts or alcoholics, in other words it is their choice. The only way they can get help is if they decide to help themselves.
Who said that the "rich" are any better than anyone else?
Simply giving money to these people just makes thing worse, where is your compassion?
This is the mindset of selfish assholes, it's the poor peoples fault they are poor, or fuck them they are too stupid to succeed. That is just a way to escape your conscience. I realize that there is no cure for greed, at least no earthly cure, but when you look in the mirror, are you happy with that face, that compassionless face, the one that stares back and says: " hey buddy, it's not your fault, it's their fault they are poor and hungry, fuck them". Actually, I'm getting awfully tired of trying to explain compassion to you greedy assholes. It's like talking to a mud fence. The responses are dull and boring, Oh, and definently expected.


New Member
It's like talking to a mud fence. The responses are dull and boring, Oh, and definently expected.

You mean to tell me that you talk to mud fences, and, get dull and boring responses, which you expected to receive? This explains many things.


Well-Known Member
Wow, silly me I actually anticipated a cogent response.
Med do yourself a favor and check out the real reason the homeless are homeless.
Too bad you cannot engage in a substantive discussion.
Shame on me for thinking that you have this capability.
Obviously you prefer name calling.


Well-Known Member
I'ver already told you a modified form of capitalism would probably be best, one that allows the capitalists to be more socially responsible. What we need at this time on this planet is compassion, not greed. We don't need to build more godforsaken golf courses for rich assholes....

Thank god I am an American! Medicineman, we finally agree on something. American capitalism is the best! I am a capitalist and I am(somerimes) allowed to be socially responsible when and where I chose. I am allowed to do all kinds of things that I choose not to do. I think our country is a little to much of awelfare state, but hats is neither here or there. Seeing as we agree on capitalism being the best and seeing as I don't build golf courses, we can be friends. I love my new capitalist friend!!!


Well-Known Member
A lot of information can be found on this topic on the net.

It is plain to see a lot of the people replying haven't taken the time to look at the information.

Hey your all entitled to your opinions, no matter how wrong they are.

Since we are all financial experts here, can someone link me to the law that says I have to pay a Federal Income Tax please.


New Member
A lot of information can be found on this topic on the net.

Yeah, and?

It is plain to see a lot of the people replying haven't taken the time to look at the information.

Yeah, and?

Hey your all entitled to your opinions, no matter how wrong they are.

Yeah, and?

Since we are all financial experts here, can someone link me to the law that says I have to pay a Federal Income Tax please.
No. Find it yourself. Glad I could help.