Who are you? a/s/l

hell yeah, its fuckin fun, but it should be iligal aposed to marijuana..... I can drive, skate, eat, walk, run, everything just as good high, but definatly not when I"m drunk!!! haha...
haha fuck yea man i can do anything high too lol class, driven, chillen, anything, but when drunk im just fuckin nutss, lol...btw we should really atart anew thread
Widow when you first started this thread you said it was to determine the average age of rollitup members.

I'm really interested in what this figure is at the moment. If you haven't been keeping up there's a lot of pages to get through.

Not to mention the liars that you'd have to filter out.
lets all start posting pictures of ourselfs,
and we can even post our fav. family pictures

we could turn rollitup into like a marijuana myspace....

and my address is 18332 PagonSmagon dr.

giggle giggle
but that would be lieing.
didnt you read the contract??? thy shall tell no lie under the realm of rollitup

The whole truth, and nothing but the whole truth.
so help you Ganja god