Who are you? a/s/l

gday HighPhi.
I am not from anywhere as nice as you mate.
I am from sunny Melbourne.
Did you watch the State of origin?
28/m/the name says it all:peace: It suprises me how many mid westerners we have but I suppose the closer to mex and can don't really need that much 4 growin could be wrong tho
Hey all

I'm almost 30/male/Belfast, Northern Ireland. Don't see too many others from round this way.
nice one guys, im a queenslander like anita.
hows the drought and water restrictions in melbourne dopey?
nice one guys, im a queenslander like anita.
hows the drought and water restrictions in melbourne dopey?

Yeah drought is pretty bad hey.
My wifes dad has a farm up on the border of vic & nsw & he is doing it pretty tough.
Been raining pretty well this week but I think its gunna take more than a weeks rain.
I am lucky I grow indoors....