Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
god didnt make nothing
Explain to me how he makes a Seed.. how he makes Trees. how does he make Water and dirt?
You cant
It was all here before he was.
Its crazy someone believe in a highpower, just because he was the first person on earth makes him have powers? i dont think so buddy
do you actually think you could possibly understand or EXPLAIN GOD! if i could he would not be great at all. its hard for me to beleave without knowing but i have faith, logic tells me there is a God


Well-Known Member
do you actually think you could possibly understand or EXPLAIN GOD! if i could he would not be great at all. its hard for me to beleave without knowing but i have faith, logic tells me there is a God

im not saying your wrong or right, thats just how i feel. I feel like how does one man have all these powers to walk on water and all that B.S. And we cant? All men are created equal.

I just dont really believe in Religions like that. We are all going to die one day and god cant save us if there is one. no need to worship him like he is going to save you. I bet millions of ppl prayed in the towers on 9/11 and they didnt get saved.


Well-Known Member
Praise God, Some God and Jesus believing weed smoker!!!! Kaosowner, Calismoke preach on!!!.... I thank God for making weed too Ace!!! And the MANY MANY other things he has done for us all!! Glory in the highest HE reigns!!


Well-Known Member
i understand what you mean, theres alot of unexplained things and we dont know why or cant understand it. for the people in 911, read this, God knew it was going to happen, he knows all!
John 14:1-3
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.


Well-Known Member
Praise God, Some God and Jesus believing weed smoker!!!! Kaosowner, Calismoke preach on!!!.... I thank God for making weed too Ace!!! And the MANY MANY other things he has done for us all!! Glory in the highest HE reigns!!

Name some things he has done besides being ''hung on a cross'' for us all..
agian...not saying your wrong im just curios to know.


Well-Known Member
First of all your putting God on the same level as man, and God wasnt the first man on earth, Adam was.... He created it, so the being that created all man kind earth, space, and the heavens and is responsible for all my good fortune, and blessing, has the right to do whatever, and the power over all and to do all.

im not saying your wrong or right, thats just how i feel. I feel like how does one man have all these powers to walk on water and all that B.S. And we cant? All men are created equal.

I just dont really believe in Religions like that. We are all going to die one day and god cant save us if there is one. no need to worship him like he is going to save you. I bet millions of ppl prayed in the towers on 9/11 and they didnt get saved.


Well-Known Member
Name some things he has done besides being ''hung on a cross'' for us all..
agian...not saying your wrong im just curios to know.
many things! atleast for me, protected my mother from my father, gave my brother a good life, im living in a very good neighborhood and i have a nice house. God blesses all of us all you got to do is ask and listen! (dont mean to preach to you)


Well-Known Member
To me that is enough, read the bible man, Jesus did much more than that, and if it wasnt for Him, "hanging on the cross" we would be struck down for our sin as they were commited. Jesus healed, feed, and changed many people heart from evil. He is the messenger for our prayer to God and He pleases our cases to God and was God's son who was BLAMELESS!!! and He died for us, when we are nothing but dust in the wind...... So that we could have everlasting life, I wont preach to anyone that doesnt ask, but you did and it seems to me you are seeking knowledge and need to start with the bible. Put all your fear and prejustice to the side and just give it a genuine try... you will be surprised how God speaks to you when you listen....

Name some things he has done besides being ''hung on a cross'' for us all..
agian...not saying your wrong im just curios to know.


Well-Known Member
First of all your putting God on the same level as man, and God wasnt the first man on earth, Adam was.... He created it, so the being that created all man kind earth, space, and the heavens and is responsible for all my good fortune, and blessing, has the right to do whatever, and the power over all and to do all.
i dont get what your talking about man
say it again.
Just explain how god has all these powers and we dont.. hes a man just like you and me.. but people worship him like he is there..have you met him? '
the only people i know who met him are meth heads. or crack addicts


Well-Known Member
many things! atleast for me, protected my mother from my father, gave my brother a good life, im living in a very good neighborhood and i have a nice house. God blesses all of us all you got to do is ask and listen! (dont mean to preach to you)
You gotta be kidding me. im not tryin to get on you but seriously. the way you people talk like that.. he gave your brother a good life? How..? Its up to YOU to do what you want in life.
And you beleive in him because you live in a good neighborhood? and have a nice house? you got to have something better then that


Well-Known Member
To me that is enough, read the bible man, Jesus did much more than that, and if it wasnt for Him, "hanging on the cross" we would be struck down for our sin as they were commited. Jesus healed, feed, and changed many people heart from evil. He is the messenger for our prayer to God and He pleases our cases to God and was God's son who was BLAMELESS!!! and He died for us, when we are nothing but dust in the wind...... So that we could have everlasting life, I wont preach to anyone that doesnt ask, but you did and it seems to me you are seeking knowledge and need to start with the bible. Put all your fear and prejustice to the side and just give it a genuine try... you will be surprised how God speaks to you when you listen....

all i wanted was someone to persuade me to believe in god and you guys dont have nothing .
i prayed when my g-pa had cancer and he still died. what happened with that? i always try that shit when something bad happens and i guess he doesnt want to listen to some people? i dont know.. or maybe its just reality and we have to stop basing our lives on some book that was written a million years ago and a man we have never met or seen.


Well-Known Member
Look dude i dont know what you are talking about, first you say you may believe, then you say you do, now you are jumping on peeps who say thay do... honestly you seem confused...... And yea i know God and Jesus and the Holy Sprit, talk to them daily on a personal level. God has all power cause he created ALL, we did create Him, HE created all, so he can control all, He is the one and only GOD, there is NONE like him. billions of us, we cant even control more than 10% of our brain and that is your a genius!!! That why we cant do what he does..... And oh yea i dont do meth or crack or acid or heroin... I just smoke weed the GOD made stuff!!!:blsmoke::joint::peace::hump:

Honestly i believe that their MIGHT be a god. But I think the People Who worship jesus and go to church every sunday are crazy. You shouldnt Worship somebody, especially when theirs no proof he really exist. IM sure there is a Satan just as their is a God.

PS. All the people who were Ex- Crack Addicts / Meth Addicts Dont count Just because they say they FOund god (head from Korn)..Thats proof right there that people are crazy for worshiping


Well-Known Member
all i wanted was someone to persuade me to believe in god and you guys dont have nothing .
i prayed when my g-pa had cancer and he still died. what happened with that? i always try that shit when something bad happens and i guess he doesnt want to listen to some people? i dont know.. or maybe its just reality and we have to stop basing our lives on some book that was written a million years ago and a man we have never met or seen.
everything happens for a reason, do you think God just was like hmm im gona take this person to die...no its all for a reason. Im guessing you live in the UK or the U.S. We are all BLESSED! look at the people in africa or iraq, there lives are so hard and they live in such poverty, That is ONE of the things God has done for you. And for me I am probably the closest in U.S.S to live in poverty = detroit. and the bible is only 2000 years old (when jesus died, 2000 years ago lol)

mybad only the NEW testiment is 2000 years old lol


Well-Known Member
I am soory to hear about your Grandfather, i lost my dad last year and i know how painful that can be. What i can tell you is he is better off where he is now, and i know the same with my father. Its not this life we are living for, its the everlasting one after this, with Him, thats what some people seem to forget, this life is just preparing us for the next. It something far better than this world. Death is just a part of life, but dont blame God, thank Him, for stopping your Grandfathers suffering. God always hears our prayer, but its His Will that over rides all, and His Will is always going to lead you down the right path because everything happen for the greater good. The thing of it is Kindbud, is no one can persude you to believe in Christ, God gave us free will, so you can decide to come to Him on your own in truth, He wants you to see His truth thru your own eyes not someone elses persuation. I go to church read my bible, but not everyday, but i do it regualrly, so i can give Him that time He wants and needs from us, cause in the end all He wants is to be with us. Stop making God sooo complicated, because he is not. Life is full of test... but they are to make us stronger.

all i wanted was someone to persuade me to believe in god and you guys dont have nothing .
i prayed when my g-pa had cancer and he still died. what happened with that? i always try that shit when something bad happens and i guess he doesnt want to listen to some people? i dont know.. or maybe its just reality and we have to stop basing our lives on some book that was written a million years ago and a man we have never met or seen.


Active Member
Kindbud 420:
They can't give you anything because they don't have anything to give you except "faith".

It's the old "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" bumpersticker.

This is what the Bible says about public (school) prayer and in my interpretation, evangelical preachers as well. This is red letter text (Jesus speaking):

Matthew 6:5-8
5"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

I'm pretty sure I must be misinterpreting this though, as it seems to fly in the face of what most evangelical Christians practice.


Well-Known Member
Kindbud 420:
They can't give you anything because they don't have anything to give you except "faith".

It's the old "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" bumpersticker.

This is what the Bible says about public (school) prayer and in my interpretation, evangelical preachers as well. This is red letter text (Jesus speaking):

Matthew 6:5-8
5"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

I'm pretty sure I must be misinterpreting this though, as it seems to fly in the face of what most evangelical Christians practice.
HAHAH that verse basically means do not pray boastfully, "as for everyone to see" but be humble and do it in private. and honestly if this is what you bring up to tell kingbud so that it may bring falseness to the bible then thats sad, im confused why did u decide to say that it was kind of random.


Active Member
HAHAH that verse basically means do not pray boastfully, "as for everyone to see" but be humble and do it in private. and honestly if this is what you bring up to tell kingbud so that it may bring falseness to the bible then thats sad, im confused why did u decide to say that it was kind of random.

I'm sorry, I'm confused. Are you a professional Jesus interpreter? What gives you the special knowledge to tell me what Jesus "basically means"?

Don't take that wrong, I'm not personally attacking you... I'm just curious what gives a man, any man, the power to interpret God's printed word for another man? If it is truly God's infallible word...



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I'm confused. Are you a professional Jesus interpreter? What gives you the special knowledge to tell me what Jesus "basically means"?

Don't take that wrong, I'm not personally attacking you... I'm just curious what gives a man, any man, the power to interpret God's printed word for another man? If it is truly God's infallible word...
ok read this
Matthew 5:29-30
29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
now do actualy think jesus wanted us to cut our hands off, and to answer you nothing does, im just using basic knowledge


Active Member
ok read this
now do actualy think jesus wanted us to cut our hands off, and to answer you nothing does, im just using basic knowledge
Ok, I'll actually give you some license here. What does Jesus mean in this passage? Or what do you think he means? If he is speaking figuratively, what is the analogy?


Well-Known Member
its basically saying to avoid temptation, lets say you like to bully kids on myspace and you know that its wrong, well then you should delete your myspace account (not saying you do this) or if you have lustful or bad thoughts of some one when your around them, then you should just stay away from them to avoid the temptation, i have the same problem with bible verses like this but my youth pastor clears alot up for me.