aww im sorry, im not trying to disappoint anyone. but its hard for me to be completely ignorant and not have doubts when confronted with blunt facts.
i still believe in a omniscient God, but not the way i have been told about as a kid. im not sure exactly what i believe right now. just look at the Catholic churches.......... look at what they have done, watch the movie again. i was first brought up catholic b4 i became a born again Christian. but when i was catholic, that was the right way to be, every other way was false and "they would not get into heaven."
regarding your second part- lots of people have not seen the real side of bush/government, lets not forget that they control the media and they manipulate minds into thinking whatever they want, for the most part. i was talking to my dad earlier and i was telling him about my recent effulgence with the government and we got into a heated discussion because he was in disbelief and doesnt think the president would commit such atrocities.
thats why we need to spread the links/truth and get every one informed about the wool being pulled over our eyes! b4 its too late.......
sorry for the rant guys.