Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
has anyone actually met god or jesus or knows of anyone that has? or knows of anyone who has been to heaven or hell?
because until that day when someone can actually prove to me that any of the above do exist i am not gonna believe in any of this.
i do not preach to you about not believing so please do not preach to me about believing in somethings that obviously have never and will never exist.
although it is good to hear some of the crazy answers and beliefs people have been brainwashed into believing.


Well-Known Member
Two things. 1) It's just as impossible for there to be a God that created the world, as it is for there to be a world in the first place. So saying, "There has to be something that created it, because the world is impossible in itself." is just ridiculous. If you want a good question to ponder about, think about what 'nothing' is. Or if 'nothing' is even possible. The human mind can't really comprehend there being 'nothing'. What if it's impossible for there to be 'nothing' and we just don't know what 'something' is.

2) Nat, you're trying too hard to believe. You're no different than any other religious man that skews things to fit their liking. The fact of the matter is Jesus was just another human being. I personally think he was a crazy fuck, but that's just me. I understand why people believe him. It had to have happened sooner or later. The human mind needs to have a reason why we're here. It needs someone to believe.

Anyways, the fact of the matter is. We're in a day and age when technology and science is increasing at such a fast rate that within 20 years no one will be dying. It will be impossible for any sane person to believe in Jesus or any form of man-made God in the next 20 years. So why waste your time believing it now?

The whole world would benefit greatly if it could come to its senses. Realize that everything is a reaction. Realize that they aren't their bodies, but merely the awareness of them.

When you can grasp that everything is a reaction and that we are the awareness of our bodies, you gain a whole new perspective on life. You realize that all human beings are just different phenotypes of the human DNA reacting with different parts of a very large environment. You understand the capabilities of man, the reason why people act the way they do. The reason why people think they have control over what they do.

Peace comes in understanding, not in thousands of years old text.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that your all just making assumptions and hoping that yours are correct and then trying to convince me that i am either dumb and/or misguided.

History states that Jesus existed.
As for God,of course i cannot prove it.
All i can say for sure is that life the universe and everything is impossible and that if you are truly clever then you can find only one logical conclusion to that question/problem:mrgreen::peace::joint:


Active Member
Seems to me that your all just making assumptions and hoping that yours are correct and then trying to convince me that i am either dumb and/or misguided.

History states that Jesus existed.
As for God,of course i cannot prove it.
All i can say for sure is that life the universe and everything is impossible and that if you are truly clever then you can find only one logical conclusion to that question/problem:mrgreen::peace::joint:

Im gonna have to back you up on that one Nat - I dont know if you would be interested but theres a series called Steven Hawkings Universe that has some solid stuff it in. (would be boring if your not into the subject tho)

Specifically talking about the one named "An Answer to Everything" a guy talks about the timing it would have taken for the universe to expand during the Big Bang.

“What was always needed and nobody really pointed this out, is that you would have to assume the early expansion rate of the universe was tuned almost exactly right, that is almost exactly the right expansion rate so that the universe would be just on the verge of eternal expansion verses eventually collapse. If one talks about the universe at a time of about 1 second after the big bang, this tuning or precise fixing of the expansion rate, had to be done to an accuracy of about 15 decimal places. If the universe just expanded 1 part in the 15th decimal place faster then we thought it had it would fly apart without galaxies ever having a chance to form. If the universe after 1 second after the big bang was expanding with 1 number less then the 15th decimal place then what we thought then the universe would collapse before any galaxies had a chance to form. To make the universe work it had to be perched right on this borderline”

I dont know about you guys, but that pretty much proves the existence of God to me. I believed in God before I found that info, but it just solidifies my beliefs more I guess.

Just to give you an idea of how small 15 decimal places is.... a nanosecond is 10^9 of a second, or 1 billionth of a second (.000000001)

10^15 of a second (.000000000000001) is a Femtosecond. A femtosecond is one billionth of one millionth of a second. For context, a femtosecond is to a second, what a second is to about 32 million years. (taken from Wikipedia cuz I had no freakin clue what was faster then a nanosecond)

Just something to think about...


Well-Known Member
i met jesus so i will prove he is real. i met him in el paso and he drove an old impala. he had dark hair and wore cowboy boots. so i know he is real.


Well-Known Member
Well once when I took this really strong acid I met god. It was pretty amazing actually. God I love acid. lol

I think the whole spiritual concept came from the depths of our over active imaginations.



Active Member
i met jesus so i will prove he is real. i met him in el paso and he drove an old impala. he had dark hair and wore cowboy boots. so i know he is real.

what size an colour were the said cowboy boots an did they have a pattern?
what is el paso like?


Well-Known Member
THe most important thing is to remember we not have anything to realy prove both subjects God or Big Bang but in my eye the big bang is ALOT easier to beleave but i do beleave in some sort of higher power, this is because its also hard for me to think that how does every thing have such intelligence to Grow and develop like how does a plant KNOW to grow ??? how does a baby know to transform from a sperm and egg to a living breathing thing??? Also God helps people get thought things like my father just died last year from cancer and even do i don't think there is a REALLY haven i think this life on this plant is not the end i mean it cant be AND this has been proven because one can not get rid of matter and i know most of a persons matter goes into several places the dirt, to the worms, and were ever else but its proven that some of our matter does not just disappear ... and what happens to our energy ??? and also most important Were does on draw the line between mind and the brain,.... mind is aka Soul ??? is the soul a physical thing or none physical??? answer this question with thought because if u do not beleave that the mind is a physical thing then u must have a soul that goes somewhere after death because its not a physical thing and can not be bounded to a dead body... this is my 2 cents

da man1

Active Member
I've never met or seen the wind but that does'nt mean it doesn't exist.
It takes just as much faith to disbelieve as it does to believe. It also depends on what you are looking for. If you look for ways to disprove the existance of God you will find them and if you look for proof of the existance you will find it as well. Are you a good finder or do you look for the negative in most things?

da man1

Active Member
THe most important thing is to remember we not have anything to realy prove both subjects God or Big Bang but in my eye the big bang is ALOT easier to beleave but i do beleave in some sort of higher power, this is because its also hard for me to think that how does every thing have such intelligence to Grow and develop like how does a plant KNOW to grow ??? how does a baby know to transform from a sperm and egg to a living breathing thing??? Also God helps people get thought things like my father just died last year from cancer and even do i don't think there is a REALLY haven i think this life on this plant is not the end i mean it cant be AND this has been proven because one can not get rid of matter and i know most of a persons matter goes into several places the dirt, to the worms, and were ever else but its proven that some of our matter does not just disappear ... and what happens to our energy ??? and also most important Were does on draw the line between mind and the brain,.... mind is aka Soul ??? is the soul a physical thing or none physical??? answer this question with thought because if u do not beleave that the mind is a physical thing then u must have a soul that goes somewhere after death because its not a physical thing and can not be bounded to a dead body... this is my 2 cents
Seems to me if God said "Let there be light!" The "Big bang" would probably make a pretty big light.

da man1

Active Member
Im gonna have to back you up on that one Nat - I dont know if you would be interested but theres a series called Steven Hawkings Universe that has some solid stuff it in. (would be boring if your not into the subject tho)

Specifically talking about the one named "An Answer to Everything" a guy talks about the timing it would have taken for the universe to expand during the Big Bang.

“What was always needed and nobody really pointed this out, is that you would have to assume the early expansion rate of the universe was tuned almost exactly right, that is almost exactly the right expansion rate so that the universe would be just on the verge of eternal expansion verses eventually collapse. If one talks about the universe at a time of about 1 second after the big bang, this tuning or precise fixing of the expansion rate, had to be done to an accuracy of about 15 decimal places. If the universe just expanded 1 part in the 15th decimal place faster then we thought it had it would fly apart without galaxies ever having a chance to form. If the universe after 1 second after the big bang was expanding with 1 number less then the 15th decimal place then what we thought then the universe would collapse before any galaxies had a chance to form. To make the universe work it had to be perched right on this borderline”

I dont know about you guys, but that pretty much proves the existence of God to me. I believed in God before I found that info, but it just solidifies my beliefs more I guess.

Just to give you an idea of how small 15 decimal places is.... a nanosecond is 10^9 of a second, or 1 billionth of a second (.000000001)

10^15 of a second (.000000000000001) is a Femtosecond. A femtosecond is one billionth of one millionth of a second. For context, a femtosecond is to a second, what a second is to about 32 million years. (taken from Wikipedia cuz I had no freakin clue what was faster then a nanosecond)

Just something to think about...
Dude, you think way to much!


Well-Known Member
Im gonna have to back you up on that one Nat - I dont know if you would be interested but theres a series called Steven Hawkings Universe that has some solid stuff it in. (would be boring if your not into the subject tho)

Specifically talking about the one named "An Answer to Everything" a guy talks about the timing it would have taken for the universe to expand during the Big Bang.

“What was always needed and nobody really pointed this out, is that you would have to assume the early expansion rate of the universe was tuned almost exactly right, that is almost exactly the right expansion rate so that the universe would be just on the verge of eternal expansion verses eventually collapse. If one talks about the universe at a time of about 1 second after the big bang, this tuning or precise fixing of the expansion rate, had to be done to an accuracy of about 15 decimal places. If the universe just expanded 1 part in the 15th decimal place faster then we thought it had it would fly apart without galaxies ever having a chance to form. If the universe after 1 second after the big bang was expanding with 1 number less then the 15th decimal place then what we thought then the universe would collapse before any galaxies had a chance to form. To make the universe work it had to be perched right on this borderline”

I dont know about you guys, but that pretty much proves the existence of God to me. I believed in God before I found that info, but it just solidifies my beliefs more I guess.

Just to give you an idea of how small 15 decimal places is.... a nanosecond is 10^9 of a second, or 1 billionth of a second (.000000001)

10^15 of a second (.000000000000001) is a Femtosecond. A femtosecond is one billionth of one millionth of a second. For context, a femtosecond is to a second, what a second is to about 32 million years. (taken from Wikipedia cuz I had no freakin clue what was faster then a nanosecond)

Just something to think about...
You say that like it's incredibly rare that it happened. The universe may have failed and collapsed on itself 5 billion times before it happened perfectly. You're basically looking at what had to happen, and saying, "Wow, that's unbelievable!" But the only reason it had to happen like that, is to produce what we have now. That's like looking at a soccer ball and saying, "Wow, every thread had to be performed perfectly to form this soccer ball."


Well-Known Member
There currently is no evidence to support believing in some kind of god. But I like to keep an open mind. The evidence certainly does point away from some kind of interfering or anthropomorphic being of most monotheistic religions.

Now faith on the other hand is very hard for me to consider some kind of virtue. Believing in something without evidence is bad enough but believing in something IN SPITE of the evidence is, to me, a significantly worse and dangerous way of thinking.

I wish I could recall who said it - but I love this quote: "It takes nothing for an evil man to commit evil acts but in order for a good man to commit evil acts it takes religion".

And here is a sound bite from Richard Dawkins that I agree with: "When you fully understand why you dismiss the thousands of other Gods humans worship, then you'll understand why I dismiss yours."


Well-Known Member
I've never met or seen the wind but that does'nt mean it doesn't exist.
It takes just as much faith to disbelieve as it does to believe. It also depends on what you are looking for. If you look for ways to disprove the existance of God you will find them and if you look for proof of the existance you will find it as well. Are you a good finder or do you look for the negative in most things?

So you have never seen the wind blowing dust around? When you meet someone you shake their hand, when the wind blows it ruffles your hair. I believe you have met the wind. Why would god create negative and positive? So we can be happy half the time and unhappy the rest of the time?! Why can he achieve a perfect balance in nature and yet not with humans? Is he incapable or negligent?

What has spirituality ever achieved on a personal level besides a selfish comfort?

Religion itself is nothing more than a powerful money making control tool.

If there is a god, it is savage and the joke is on us. It must have no conscience to witness the continual murder, rape, slavery of helpless children. Children who very often too young to have even heard of a god.

GOD is a spineless, pathetic figment of the imagination.

I wish people could stop being so selfish with their petty beliefs and rather focus on the bigger picture. The here, now and future.

Spliff anyone? :peace:



Active Member
There currently is no evidence to support believing in some kind of god. But I like to keep an open mind. The evidence certainly does point away from some kind of interfering or anthropomorphic being of most monotheistic religions.

Now faith on the other hand is very hard for me to consider some kind of virtue. Believing in something without evidence is bad enough but believing in something IN SPITE of the evidence is, to me, a significantly worse and dangerous way of thinking.

I wish I could recall who said it - but I love this quote: "It takes nothing for an evil man to commit evil acts but in order for a good man to commit evil acts it takes religion".

And here is a sound bite from Richard Dawkins that I agree with: "When you fully understand why you dismiss the thousands of other Gods humans worship, then you'll understand why I dismiss yours."

Amen Brother!!:idea:


Active Member
So you have never seen the wind blowing dust around? When you meet someone you shake their hand, when the wind blows it ruffles your hair. I believe you have met the wind. Why would god create negative and positive? So we can be happy half the time and unhappy the rest of the time?! Why can he achieve a perfect balance in nature and yet not with humans? Is he incapable or negligent?

What has spirituality ever achieved on a personal level besides a selfish comfort?

Religion itself is nothing more than a powerful money making control tool.

If there is a god, it is savage and the joke is on us. It must have no conscience to witness the continual murder, rape, slavery of helpless children. Children who very often too young to have even heard of a god.

GOD is a spineless, pathetic figment of the imagination.

I wish people could stop being so selfish with their petty beliefs and rather focus on the bigger picture. The here, now and future.

Spliff anyone? :peace:
:peace:I think mabye more people would concure if they have seen what you have seen (were you live).It will make a non beliver out of you in a heart beat.:peace:Most of these posts show that most people have not sought out there own knowledge/wisedom on this topic.I belive there is a word for not knowing or understanding......:peace:


Well-Known Member
So you have never seen the wind blowing dust around? When you meet someone you shake their hand, when the wind blows it ruffles your hair. I believe you have met the wind. Why would god create negative and positive? So we can be happy half the time and unhappy the rest of the time?! Why can he achieve a perfect balance in nature and yet not with humans? Is he incapable or negligent?

What has spirituality ever achieved on a personal level besides a selfish comfort?

Religion itself is nothing more than a powerful money making control tool.

If there is a god, it is savage and the joke is on us. It must have no conscience to witness the continual murder, rape, slavery of helpless children. Children who very often too young to have even heard of a god.

GOD is a spineless, pathetic figment of the imagination.

I wish people could stop being so selfish with their petty beliefs and rather focus on the bigger picture. The here, now and future.

Spliff anyone? :peace:
A little harsh isn't that bro:peace:


Well-Known Member
:peace:I think mabye more people would concure if they have seen what you have seen (were you live).It will make a non beliver out of you in a heart beat.:peace:Most of these posts show that most people have not sought out there own knowledge/wisedom on this topic.I belive there is a word for not knowing or understanding......:peace:
not true. Please don't categorize people you don't know.