Who belives in this American Ideology


Well-Known Member
which reminds me, 13 states are trying to pass a bill that reverses that "if you're illegal and you have a baby here in the states then your baby is a legal u.s citizen" bullshit. michigan is one of them. i really hope that goes through.
I agree
are you and illegal immagrant....why would you want to encourage illegal aliens...oh and here in cali..fuck no not no more...you and your baby are going back to mexico....my tax paying dollars should not go to that bullshit...yeah i know what the statue of liberty said..we will take your sick tired and poor..blah blah blah...look at our country now..get rid on non Americans now and give to the needy americans we should always come first in our own country
I don't think you understood the post-their trying to get rid of the 'anchor baby' laws- it's great and everyone should vote for it
Are you sure you are not the illegal immigrant, your grammer is awful.
That's funny....do you think this is his cover? Like he's a straight up Pisa and he bitches about illegals so everyone will think he's american. like the guys from India named Allie Babba who says his names Al


New Member
I agree

I don't think you understood the post-their trying to get rid of the 'anchor baby' laws- it's great and everyone should vote for it

That's funny....do you think this is his cover? Like he's a straight up wet back and he bitches about illegals so everyone will think he's american. like the guys from India named Allie Babba who says his names Al
i doesnt matter as long as you are an american citizen or have papers your name race sex religion can be anything....whats an american name anyway


New Member
I agree

I don't think you understood the post-their trying to get rid of the 'anchor baby' laws- it's great and everyone should vote for it

That's funny....do you think this is his cover? Like he's a straight up Pisa and he bitches about illegals so everyone will think he's american. like the guys from India named Allie Babba who says his names Al
grammer is irrelavant to a forum like this


Well-Known Member
we also passed a law in michigan last year that punished the vegetable farmers for hiring illegals. most farmers still hired them..until an illegal died in a car accident (didnt hurt anyone else but himself thank goodness) and the police tracked the illegal back to the farmer and now the farmer either has to do some prison time or sell off most of his assets to pay a massive debt...last i heard they were still trying to finalize a deal. now after that all the local farmers i know arent hiring illegals anymore, worked like a charm.

Bobby Brown

Well-Known Member
I agree

I don't think you understood the post-their trying to get rid of the 'anchor baby' laws- it's great and everyone should vote for it

That's funny....do you think this is his cover? Like he's a straight up wet back and he bitches about illegals so everyone will think he's american. like the guys from India named Allie Babba who says his names Al
I thinks it is funny that this guy complains about illegal immigrants not being able to speak english when all the while he clearly has trouble spelling words.


New Member
is that all you have...this forum does have spell check...but like i said it is irrelavant and a waste of time to go back...we are on a weed forum..go to school with that shit dumb ass


New Member
I thinks it is funny that this guy complains about illegal immigrants not being able to speak english when all the while he clearly has trouble spelling words.
is that all you have...this forum does have spell check...but like i said it is irrelavant and a waste of time to go back...we are on a weed forum..go to school with that shit dumb ass

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Fuck ILLEGAL immigrants! You are a drain and a cancer on our society and I resent every single one of you.


Well-Known Member
I thinks it is funny that this guy complains about illegal immigrants not being able to speak english when all the while he clearly has trouble spelling words.
I think it would be great for U.S. citizens and our future as well as the economy if we deported all illegals- If that is not something that we can agree to do, then I say open the borders let anyone in and if they want to stay give them citizenship - I hate having to compete globally but I hate being ripped off and lied to even more, why call them illegal and pay border patrol and INS if no one gives a shit, i'm not border patrol but I could go find 100 illegals today no problem so it's pretty obvious being illegal isn't really illegal if you can't get busted for it.