Who can beat Trump?

Who will you vote for in 2020

  • Trump

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Warren

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Trump didn't save shit around here. Came here and told tons of factory workers he would have the country fixed by the next election and he wouldn't even need re-elected. These fucks say anything for a vote I am not voting for any of them.
Post some buds, post some questions about buds. You haven't posted anything about weed in years. You are trolling a weed forum for whatever reason. You ever think that maybe my phone is cracked and buttons don't quite act like they should. I think I know how to press the reply button. Again who are you trying to impress? There are 3 maybe 4 people here that you are ganging up on me with for whatever reason. An argument about gun control i assume, all I said was that the PEOPLE I've talked to present it in a very different way than your sources who were definitely not there. That's it. Then you 3 or 4 proceeded wit the ad hominem attacks which speaks volumes to your agenda here, which clearly isn't buds, So fuck off I'm done with ya.
Wow so angry just over being wrong about something so trivial. Relax man, we are all wrong at different points in our life. An intelligent persons admits it and moves on and dumbfks just carry on like a 12 year old. Even Wiki disagrees with you...Get off the Pro gun sites and onto main stream.

"Few German citizens owned, or were entitled to own firearms in Germany in the 1930s.[2] The Weimar Republic had strict gun control laws.[8] When the Third Reich gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened, such as allowing firearm ownership for Nazi party members and the military.[5]:672 The laws were tightened in other ways. Nazi laws systematically disarmed "unreliable" persons , especially Jews, but relaxed restrictions for so-called "ordinary" German citizens"

""Nazis were intent on killing Jewish persons and used the gun laws and regulations to further the genocide,"[5]:676 but the disarming and killing of Jews was unconnected with Nazi gun control policy, and it is "absurd to even try to characterize this as either pro- or anti-gun control." If he had to choose, Harcourt said, the Nazi regime was pro-gun compared with the Weimar Republic that preceded it"

You haven't linked anything except "I know someone who was there". Well I knew somebody who was their to and they to this day say that there was no systematic murdering of Jews. Facts are facts and emotions get in the way of those. Perhaps the Politics section is a bit to much for you.
Wow so angry just over being wrong about something so trivial. Relax man, we are all wrong at different points in our life. An intelligent persons admits it and moves on and dumbfks just carry on like a 12 year old. Even Wiki disagrees with you...Get off the Pro gun sites and onto main stream.

I don't read ANY gun sites pro or con ok bud? I didn't say anything but what I was told, I was attacked and defended myself against them and offered to unite seeker and source. These attacks degraded into Nazi, pro-gun rights, pro trump then degraded further into dick sucker. I then retorted the same. I didn't start this shit, they did. You are the only one that has said anything sensible save that one comment that had a paper cited. Fine.
Well I knew somebody who was their to and they to this day say that there was no systematic murdering of Jews.
This is not in dispute.
You haven't linked anything except "I know someone who was there".
If you could/would show me how to "link" you up with a 91yo guy I would. All I did was say what was told to me by someone who actually lived there during that time. Nothing more nothing less, then the subsequent attacks ensued. Now who's carrying on like a 12 year old? I didn't insult ANYBODY until I was insulted first. They tried all the names in the book that would apply to some that they profiled me as, an American, Pro gun,Trump supporter.

1)Not American
2)Don't care about guns
3)Hate Nazis

You haven't linked anything except "I know someone who was there". Well I knew somebody who was their too and they too this day say that there was no systematic murdering of Jews. Facts are facts and emotions get in the way of those. Perhaps the Politics section is a bit too much for you.

Fixed it for ya.
I don't read ANY gun sites pro or con ok bud? I didn't say anything but what I was told, I was attacked and defended myself against them and offered to unite seeker and source. These attacks degraded into Nazi, pro-gun rights, pro trump then degraded further into dick sucker. I then retorted the same. I didn't start this shit, they did. You are the only one that has said anything sensible save that one comment that had a paper cited. Fine.

This is not in dispute.

If you could/would show me how to "link" you up with a 91yo guy I would. All I did was say what was told to me by someone who actually lived there during that time. Nothing more nothing less, then the subsequent attacks ensued. Now who's carrying on like a 12 year old? I didn't insult ANYBODY until I was insulted first. They tried all the names in the book that would apply to some that they profiled me as, an American, Pro gun,Trump supporter.

1)Not American
2)Don't care about guns
3)Hate Nazis

You haven't linked anything except "I know someone who was there". Well I knew somebody who was their too and they too this day say that there was no systematic murdering of Jews. Facts are facts and emotions get in the way of those. Perhaps the Politics section is a bit too much for you.

Fixed it for ya.
so no facts then?..all talk and no substance.
so no facts then?..all talk and no substance.
So if your family member recounted an event to you that happened in 1937 and you can't find it online I guess that means it didn't happen then right? OK,cool. Cheers. I hardly think I'm going to find any article online of the nazis coming into my wife's fathers home and attempting to seize their guns even after they had been turned over already. I'll get right on that, just for you.
So if your family member recounted an event to you that happened in 1937 and you can't find it online I guess that means it didn't happen then right? OK,cool. Cheers. I hardly think I'm going to find any article online of the nazis coming into my wife's fathers home and attempting to seize their guns even after they had been turned over already. I'll get right on that, just for you.
Lovely story but has no bearing on the argument.
ur argument is that Gun ownership fell during Hitler. Facts are it rose under Hitler.
Well apparently not in that household. So there is one case, I'm sure there are others...but no, I don't have a source, how will I ever convince a couple of people on a weed forum in a political section talking shit to each other? The answer to that is IDK and IDC.
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Well apparently not in that household. So there is one case, I'm sure there are others...but oh no, I don't have a source, how will I ever convince a couple of people on a weed form in a political section talking shit to each other? The answer to that is IDK and IDC.
well by using facts. ..The NRA use ur argument to limit any control on weapons. And its untrue. You cannot prove that ur claim is true simply because its not. By spreading this untruth ur perpetuating the myth that Hitler removed guns from the population, when in fact gun ownership rose.
Note: we ALL agree that Hilter removed guns from a small segment of the population.
I didn't know or even care to, that the NRA uses this in this way. I can see now why all the drama. I get it now, I do my best to not pay any attention the american news or politics. I'm going to change my pic as well. nbd.
I didn't know or even care to, that the NRA uses this in this way. I can see now why all the drama. I get it now, I do my best to not pay any attention the american news or politics. I'm going to change my pic as well. nbd.
I didn't know or even care to, that the NRA uses this in this way. I can see now why all the drama. I get it now, I do my best to not pay any attention the american news or politics. I'm going to change my pic as well. nbd.
So you are perpetuating a lie and don't even realise your a tool for the NRA? Pleading ignorance ?
You should care. When you grow up you might find that you should of cared more, earlier.
Why should I give a fuck about the NRA?( don't answer this) They don't mean a FUCKING THING in my country.
Are you too stupid to comprehend what was said before? (yup, you are)

I SAID BEFORE I'm not American(fact) and don't give a flying fuck about the NRA(fact), YOU said you aren't American either but yet you are wound up by the NRA(fact), it appears you are the one who's being manipulated(fact). When you grow up maybe you'll realize that another countries problems are not yours and you wouldn't waste your time on the internet trying to sway peoples opinions and perceptions about said group and its activities(fact). Which by the way have nothing to do with you IF indeed you aren't American, which I think is a lie(opinion).

I put parentheses around those words after my statements to make it easier for your little brain to comprehend what is being said to help avoid further stupid statements that are meant to belittle and undermine what is being said. It probably won't work because you know...you're a fucking retard.

So go spin your narrative, agenda and general bullshit to someone else you STUPID FUCKING TROLLING BASTARD(fact). You, UB and RR and FD think you guys are sooooo smart and constantly hammering people and calling them every name under the sun, but who the fuck is keeping this thread alive with insults and threats? Spoiler alert: ITS YOU GUYS.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think except you guys. The politics section on this forum is the little vacuum that you fucks live in, and outside of it YOU'RE NOTHING...ZERO.

I know that you probably won't read this or care because you are that FUCKING STUPID that this couldn't possibly sink in. Your self awareness is pitiful and sad if you think otherwise. IF any of you reply to this post it just shows every single person that reads it, that you ARE indeed Super Trolls and can't help yourselves from trolling, it also signifies that you have nothing better to do and are lonely af, but just a simple search history of any one of your user names in the search tool can yield the same results/conclusions. I urge anyone who's being harassed by these guys to do so and just look at their post history.

Nov 5, 2014
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Total fucking TROLL.

I think that says everything anyone here needs to know about him. More like a virus than a troll.

here is UB
Member Since:
May 21, 2010
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same story,

Total fucking TROLL.

I think that says everything anyone here needs to know about him as well.
Also more like a virus than a troll.

I don't think Lucky Luke rolls with these guys much but Radiant rudy does, here is her info:

radiant Rudy:
Jan 16, 2019
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She has ONE post about growing where she talks about silica nothing useful really but aside of that its ALL TROLLING.

These three trolls are working together as a team. Load them up on a rocket and fire them directly into the sun. I'm sure the world would be a better place with out these FUCKS stirring shit up.
I wonder what other sites the team up on? (no need to answer that trolls) it's more of a rhetorical question for normal people that read this post.
I have more posts and threads about growing than you do