Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?


My guess is phosphorous deficiency, whats yours?

Trying to evaluate this one struggling plant out of the 3. The blotchy dark spots on the right leaves along with the droopiness and yellow tops


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
What kind of light(s) are you growing it under? While some of the damage does resemble P def, the drooping suggests another problem. There could be more than one issue or perhaps it's all from something like heat stress.


Well-Known Member
my guess is over watering(for the limpness)
the purple may not be a problem, that's less clear

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
my guess is over watering(for the limpness)
the purple may not be a problem, that's less clear
That would be my guess too. The yellowing of the leaves and the overall droopy look of the plant makes me think that. A plant that young usually wouldn't have and nutrint dificiencies at that stage, especially in a good soil. Your soil looks moist, if it always looks like that try decreasing the frequencies of your waterings.


Well-Known Member
probably overwatering, its the problem 99% of the time. after hurting my crop too many times with too much food/water, i wait until my girls are dry and wilting before they get anything. make em beg like a dog and they appreciate it more. if not overwatering, you prolly have a pH issue.


yeah think it was over watering cause this happened the day after they were watered. ph is at 6.0

these are the other two babies it lives next to and they seem to be doing alright


Well-Known Member
All plants are different, and prefer different conditions, to me it looks root bound, If you repot for more root space the problems wil go away.


they are lookin fine now.
Those are two different plants Anonymuss but just like Grow One said, It's overwatered let it dry out tomorrow and by Monday it will look like your other two. The last thing you should worry about right now is Nutrient deficiency Bro just keep up the good work. Also, No need to Re-pot right now maybe a week before flower would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
My guess is phosphorous deficiency, whats yours?

Trying to evaluate this one struggling plant out of the 3. The blotchy dark spots on the right leaves along with the droopiness and yellow tops

The one time my leaves went pale adding nitrogen worked.
Did you use any ferts?


Well-Known Member
My guess is phosphorous deficiency, whats yours?

Trying to evaluate this one struggling plant out of the 3. The blotchy dark spots on the right leaves along with the droopiness and yellow tops

Deficiency - This is the easiest to solve, simply find whats deficient and fix it.
A shortage of iron produces yellowed leaves that may fall off the plant. The pH plays a role in the prevention of deficiency disease. Keep the pH value around 5.8. If this value is too low, the plants can't absorb calcium as well. Consequence? The osmotic processes are impeded. Too low a pH number causes less iron in-take, with the well- known results. A second form of deficiency disease is caused by a shortage of the primary nutrients (NPK). It often involves a lack of nitrogen (N). A nitrogen shortage delays growth, and makes the lower-most leaves turn yellow and again, they can drop off.

Taken from This Site


All plants are different, and prefer different conditions, to me it looks root bound, If you repot for more root space the problems wil go away.
A plant isn't rootbound unless there's roots comin out of the bottom both my plants in 5 gallon buckets have roots coming out but I don't have the space in the closet for two 50 gallon drums LOL


Thanks for all the input guys.

Nastynorth, just checked it out, and it looks a tiny bit better, I think the overwatering was probably the case because this problem happened after it was watered. Looks a bit less droopy but nothing significant, gonna see how they are in a day or two. The new leaves growing at the bottom are yellow which leads me to believe it is nitrogen deficient?

On a side note the nutrient water solution I am using PH is 6.0 and when watered w.o nutes I use distilled water purchased from the store.


Yeah man it's totally natural but i'm glad to see it's doin a little bit better bro keep me updated and I'll keep providing my knowledge when you need it. Actually it's doin a hell of a lot better your leaves are starting to shine like a new penny you got a nice Indica on your hands Bro.


Thanks again bro, heres a pic of all 3 will update in a a week or two

left 2 are vanilla kush and right one is cheese


Your temp looks like 60? If i'm right thats a bit chilly that would explain the soil not drying out in the Vanilla is there any you could get the temp up? or keep more cold out?