Who can tell me obout Hermies


Well-Known Member
Hey I have 8 Dutch Passion Mazar and bb and think one is a hermie.... sorry no camera.. does anyone have a hermie pic?? Are they obvious looking.. I am worried i will not know and they will pollinate my good fems.
Please help. Thanks


Well-Known Member
You can find hermie pics easily with the search function. I have seen some good ones on here. They look like you would imagine. If you know what a male plant looks like, and you know what a female plant looks like, you'll be able to spot a hermie. They will generally look like a flowering female, pistols and calyxes, but some nodes will have balls. I have seen hermies where the male organs and female organs are on separate nodes. I have also seen hermies with both sets on the same node.

It takes balls a couple of weeks to mature enough to drop pollen, so there is no need for panic unless you don't examine your plants regularly.

Edit: Yeah that's a great pic.