Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens


Active Member
Aliens are real, but they are not what our Darwinistic philosophies imply they are. That is, they are not a species that evolved on another planet. Our universe is a continuum of higher dimensions. Some of these higher dimensions are the homes of the aliens. Such higher dimensions are filled with evil, and have energized evil acts throughout history. Since we are part of this universe, we have access to these higher dimensions and the entities that live within them. Many of these entities, if not all of them, can take on whatever form they want. To us, they would appear 'alien'. The point I am making here is that aliens are totally demonic. The Devil is real. The God of Israel is real, and classical Darwinsim is a total joke.
I'll make this as short as possible.
Claim #1: Aliens are real.
Proof: Too many people state the same experiences. Not all of these people are crazy. Too many historical references, especially in native American cultures. Too many people in the military who have come out under the Disclosure Project who claim that something 'otherworldly' is occuring with respect to the whole UFO thing.
Claim #2: The alien thing is not what Darwinism implies.
Proof: Classical Darwinism is scientific naturalism, which totally rejects all otherworldly explanations, by construction, which is totally unscientific, by the way. (This also makes classical Darwinism a joke.) Classical Darwinism has little explanation as to the multi-dimensional nature of these 'aliens'.
Claim#3: Our universe is a continuum of higher dimensions.
Proof: Now this is up for scientific debate, but the string theories are only consistent in multiple dimensions above our 4, whether they be 10, 11, or 26. At this point, the LHC is not taking data, so we'll have to wait on that one for scientific proof. Most theoretical physicists are looking for higher dimensions when the LHC gets up and running.
Claim #4: These dimensions are filled with evil and have influenced world leaders throughout history.
Proof: Where does evil come from? From the human heart? Ok. The human heart exists in higher dimensions too and is influenced by higher dimensional energies. We know that evil does not exist here in this plane, as something physical. What is seen by us in our universe is a collection of identical particles, hardly anything evil in that. Since we know evil exists (look at a pile of dead Jews from WW2, or Jeffrey Dahmer's altar), it has to come from somewhere apart from our observed universe of identical particles. The only other place evil can come from is from unseen realms that coexist with ours, perhaps side by side on another brane. By extension, the evil in our collective human heart, is responsible for the mass murder in history.
Claim #5:

to be continued, i got shit to do.

I am trying to lay down the meaning of life in a short answer on a pothead forum. Cut me some slack.


yeah that's what I was thinking . . . .

of course the 'believers' will say the aliens 'made' a stronger stone or that a stronger stone exists . . . haha. I love human creativity + naivety.
if you don't think aliens (a)don't exist, (b)haven't come here, or (c) didn't leave any proof, I'm sorry to say that your the one who's naive...and at least slightly ignorant....the proof is there if your not letting your ego get in the way of your sight and reasoning skills....and I'll be able to tell which it is depending on how you reply if you reply.:peace:


Dude.... are you coming on to me??! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Religion and alien visitation go hand in hand. Both are products of human narcissism. We are very much alone. If you look at a galactic map of our location.... we're like the Dukes of Hazzard out here.

There is a show on the International History Channel about ancient religions and drugs. It's quite interesting. They were all tripping on whatever they could get their hands on. It's no wonder the stories are outrageous. :lol: The mistake is in thinking it is history...it is not.

out. :blsmoke:
man your fucking crazy if you think we're alone, just like all the hardcore Catholics....


Well-Known Member
grey aliens were shaved orangatangs, old ones...like eq. to our middle age. These mofo's are freeking smart. Sign langauge and shit. Andways i think they were testing things like what high g's and atmospheres do to them, well cause they are really close to us and try to fly a pig over 35,000 feet. It will explode, not like dynomyte but internal bleeding...death. Ha, heart attacks on planes.....shhhhhh, why, and how can apes go so far, and humans a little further......but to the moon? and why to the moon again if we already did that a long time ago???? Bear with me. I have 0 evidence and made up the shit about the pigs for fun. You guys are funny. I saw shooting star, just the other day. But may have been sun gleem trail. I think people make up alot of the abduction shit. If they got you i doubt they brig you back.


It sort of makes sense doesn't it? :lol:

I know it's a party pooper attitude for some folks, but it all comes down to probabilities in the end. If man can someday lose the superstitious mind and make the next leap... we may indeed be able to interact with other life forms. Right now we are the Ferengi (sp) (star trek) and have no business making contact. :mrgreen:

Man has a long way to go, and it can be difficult for many to realize that history will regard us as primitive as we now regard the Neanderthal.

Put down the mirror and pick up a good book and take comfort that you are here. It should be enough. It is for me. Weee! Bong hits all around!! :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
I have a whole neighborhood of people that will disagree with all of that; when my mother was a child about 7 or 8(60's), a UFO hovered over my neighborhood in Pasadena, CA for about ten minutes give or take, until it suddenly flew off, shortly followed by three air force jets 5 min afterwords. While most of the neighborhood was gawking at this phenomenon, my great grandfather was under the table screaming bout devils, demons and the apocalypse. My family told me about this when i was about 14 or so, and I asked the people in the neighborhood (that were still living there from that time) and all of them had the same story, all the same details and It was about 30 houses I went to.

I'm not playing the devils advocate here, I Swear By My Love For Mary Jane And The Goddess That This Is Completely 100% True.

Love and Hugs, Nova )O( :peace:


New Member
So what.... a ufo is exactly that...a UFO. That does not make it extraterrestrial.

Sonic boom scares minorities in sector 7.....


Now don't you think that if eating RAW weed got ppl very stoned, everyone would be doing it? Yet, you almost never hear of it. That's a tip off...... you got a placebo high. :peace:
No, most people just don't like the strong earthy flavor, just like there's a lot of people that don't like the taste of truffles(the plant not the candy), I have also gotten myself and my mom high from brownies that were only garnished with raw pot, and also pot icing for cakes, and you don't cook icing. I'm beginning to think your just playing devil advocate here CJ!


New Member
So everyone who smokes and bakes it are just taking the long way round the barn? Gosh, why hasn't anyone EVER thought of eating raw weed?

Would you like to take a wild wild guess?


Aliens are real, but they are not what our Darwinistic philosophies imply they are. That is, they are not a species that evolved on another planet. Our universe is a continuum of higher dimensions. Some of these higher dimensions are the homes of the aliens. Such higher dimensions are filled with evil, and have energized evil acts throughout history. Since we are part of this universe, we have access to these higher dimensions and the entities that live within them. Many of these entities, if not all of them, can take on whatever form they want. To us, they would appear 'alien'. The point I am making here is that aliens are totally demonic. The Devil is real. The God of Israel is real, and classical Darwinsim is a total joke.
If your not joking, your insane....