Who do u predict becomes the Democratic nominee?


Well-Known Member
lmao, much better to have a RNC that thrust Sarah Palin onto McCain, allowed Manafort to push a Russian backed plan in Ukraine, and now is bending a knee to let Trump make money at another struggling golf course.

The DNC nominating their own candidates based on delegates is so much more corrupt.... I don't buy it.
Did you witness DNC corruption in 2016?


Well-Known Member
Because I watched the 2016 race closely and witnessed DNC corruption. I did not say that Trump or anyone else was not corrupt, the topic is who do I think will win the democratic nomination and why.
The DNC didn't ask Russia to find "hidden emails"........that was Trump. Same guy that shit talked generals (called them dopes and idiots)........he's a genius, haha.


Well-Known Member
If we were in the same place on/after Super Tuesday I agree with you, but for me it is too early to worry about the Trump generated propaganda about his son taking a job in the world, which would likewise fall under the portfolio of the VP as Ukraine did. And we got to remember who he is running against, anything Trump tries to throw at Biden, Trump will get hit with his families guilt of the same thing 10x over.
Nope. Republicans are hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, completely irrelevant to the thread question.
Irrelevant? The thread question is which Dem candidate do you predict to be the nominee?

You were the one calling the DNC corrupt. Your boy Trump calls anyone not agreeing with him "corrupt." I pointed out the Dems don't ask foreign governments for help in US elections! When did Hillary buy the DNC? You say you saw this? Where? It must have been in Benghazi, more made up bullshit. The GOP doesn't rely on facts these days, they use lies over and over.......People incapable of researching facts just end up spewing the "talking points", none will say these things UNDER OATH.........because they know they are lying.


Well-Known Member
Without going thru all Klobachars accomplishments (I'm not a petty motherfucker, nor a youthful know nothing):

She is pro-choice on abortion, supports LGBT rights and the Affordable Care Act, and was critical of the Iraq War. According to GovTrack, Klobuchar passed more legislation than any other senator by the end of the 114th Congress in late 2016 .

Sanders has zero chance, I'm not worried. That's why Bloomberg is running, in case Biden faltered. Klobachar or Bloomberg must win, to restore dignity back to America. Sanders is a nutjob extremist, like Trump. Different stances but both are extremist/delusional.
Sure..if you say so.


Well-Known Member
He scares most Americans, only somebody PETTY would bother to copy/paste very single achievement. In how many years did he accomplish those things? I could bother to dig up all Amy's achievements but you can do that yourself.

Not to mention Sanders health, hes 78 and looks 98. Dude barely walks, he wouldn't be able to handle the stress of the job.

My Dad is fucking 90, and is vigorous living alone the past 22 yrs since my Mom died. He manages to keep a 5 bedroom large Victorian house spotless and maintains a vigorous garden. Snowblows himself still! Roto tills the garden himself if I'm not available.
You know, part of the divide is because conversation lacks civility and somehow devolves into name calling and misinformation.

Why is that?


Well-Known Member
Hey @Bugeye

It doesn’t seem like people are buying this trump spam shit you’re selling about the dnc

Btw, isn’t the rnc just trumps legal slush fund for hiding his taxes and settling fraud lawsuits having to do with his phony university and fake charity that stole from veterans and cancer kids?

Anyhoo, I hope you and your “Jewish wife” have a nice Valentine’s Day, ya lard ass klanman pos



Well-Known Member
How does one battle money in politics?

With more money, until such time that we have (or buy) the votes to change the system.

Anybody that accepts legal bribes for their campaign won't stab their donors in the back by reforming campaign finance laws once they get elected, and zero wealthy donors will donate to anyone's campaign that actually supports campaign finance reform. It's why zero billionaires have contributed to Sanders while Buttigieg comes in at 44 billionaire donors, Biden in the high teens, and even Warren with 4


Well-Known Member
Irrelevant? The thread question is which Dem candidate do you predict to be the nominee?

You were the one calling the DNC corrupt. Your boy Trump calls anyone not agreeing with him "corrupt." I pointed out the Dems don't ask foreign governments for help in US elections! When did Hillary buy the DNC? You say you saw this? Where? It must have been in Benghazi, more made up bullshit. The GOP doesn't rely on facts these days, they use lies over and over.......People incapable of researching facts just end up spewing the "talking points", none will say these things UNDER OATH.........because they know they are lying.
Since you asked nicely, I refer you to Donna Brazile:


Well-Known Member
But that's just it, they won't. They will do like they did in Iowa and New Hampshire and go to Klobuchar or Buttegieg. Very few will go to Bernie.
You don't know the south.

If Biden bites the dust, they'll all go to Bernie. If you give the south a gay man or woman they'll vote for Trump.

So in the south there are only two options: Biden and Bernie. It WILL BE one or the other.

Or you get Trump again. Welcome to the south.


Well-Known Member
So the DNC was corrupt, because they were broke?

How very Republican of you.
Ok, switching topics. What percent of the democrat party do you think is too homophobic to vote for Pete? I'm thinking it is less than 1%, but that is a guess and I'm curious what your opinion is?