The British gov are not that nice you just have to look and it's right there to see , we have had 1400 people die in police custody and not any prosecution of wrong doing by the police has been brought forward by the government, now that's wrong.
One has to decide in life whether to be a sheep or a wolf and your government and my government like sheep not wolfs .
If you have a real interest in what your Government does on your behalf you should look at freeman on the land for instance, we have road tax and road tax was abolished in England in 1937 people still pay for it why?
The answer to that question is just blind obedience they just want to follow ? But there's nothing wrong with having a society but when the society just does not think to stand up for its own rights that's fucked up.
The problem with people in the USA and UK is they think that money is real but it's not it's an IOU promissory note it's just shit.
The good old USA it's a great place with great people but you have death camps for gods sake,and you worry about who to elect , the government should always be scared of the people.
They're supposed to represent you and not themselves not big companies not drug companies that happens here and that happens there.