Who else can't get the Mercenaries 2 song out of their head?


Well-Known Member
I f'n love this song! I'm finding myself sayin' "oh no you didn't!" over and over.

If you haven't seen the commercial...

YouTube - Mercs 2 TV ad - Oh No You Didn't

Oh no, Oh no, Oh no
Yo Yo Yo
Oh no you didn't
Sucker tried to play me
But you never paid me, Neva
Oh no you didn't
Payback is a' coming
You will be runnin', foreva
Oh no you didn't
Until i get my vengeance
I will never end this mayhem
Oh no you didn't
I'm a mercenary
You ain't got a prayer, you owe MEEEEEE


Well-Known Member
They say you can get the whole song when you pre order the game for the 360, but I don't have a 360.

I have an old xbox and have played the first Mercenaries game, and if the sequel is anywhere close to the original, it'll be a damn good game.


stays relevant.
Man Mercenaries 2 looks so bad ass. Can't wait for it to be out on the 360. The multiplayer gameplay is supposed to be in a much better environment, and have much better game mechanics, plus yeah - the song on the commercial kicks ass, goes perfect with the theme of the game.


Well-Known Member
OMFG!!!!!!!!1 for like 2 weeks straight Ive sung that song....i don't even like that kinda music.....but that dude ripped it...wayyyyyy to catchy....

anybody hurd tha new freecreditreport.com song/comercial...? for sum reason i want it as a ringtone....

fucking comercials....they work to fukin welll....


Well-Known Member
Got the game this morning, taking a quick smoke break and saw this thread. Its pretty fucking cool so far.


Well-Known Member
Works kept me from it, but todays my day off so I'll try and make some headway. I'm at 25% complete it says. I never played the first one but my friends did and they said it was exactly what they wanted the sequel to be. Bigger, better, ballsier but familiar I guess. My only gripe is the driving controls are kind of dodgy, but otherwise the games bad ass


Active Member
I wanted to buy it soooo bad yesterday but I couldn't because of my damn muffler. (cuz I had to buy a new one. lol)