Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


New Member
Yep, that's what I did alright. I don't expect you to understand, in fact I kind of expect you to misinterpret everything, its an ongoing meme with you.
Ok Ill play
You stated Affirmative Action has harmed you.
How specifically has it harmed you?


Well-Known Member
Well it hasn't actually hurt ME at all, but if i assume that when i say me that I mean someone who did not get a job because they were edged out by another less qualified but more equal person then it has meaning, The reality is that where I live just doesn't have a whole lot of black folks living here, we have a large population of Native Americans though but since they have their very own land and can be on the government dole their entire life and have no limits to welfare, they end up being the poorest, least educated and most prone to alcoholism, drug addiction and violent crime. You think things are bad for other minorities but you have never seen places like Pine Ridge, wow! the abject poverty caused by government "help" has decimated a once brave and proud race. This is what happens to people who are nannied, they end up dependent for life. Thank god for them there is no law forcing them to stay on the reservation and many move away and make something of themselves without the giveaways.


New Member
Well it hasn't actually hurt ME at all, but if i assume that when i say me that I mean someone who did not get a job because they were edged out by another less qualified but more equal person then it has meaning, The reality is that where I live just doesn't have a whole lot of black folks living here, we have a large population of Native Americans though but since they have their very own land and can be on the government dole their entire life and have no limits to welfare, they end up being the poorest, least educated and most prone to alcoholism, drug addiction and violent crime. You think things are bad for other minorities but you have never seen places like Pine Ridge, wow! the abject poverty caused by government "help" has decimated a once brave and proud race. This is what happens to people who are nannied, they end up dependent for life. Thank god for them there is no law forcing them to stay on the reservation and many move away and make something of themselves without the giveaways.
I have been at Haskell Indian Nations University many many times
I want you to go look at there website and pay particular attention to there infrastructure

If you notice they always show only one building

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well it hasn't actually hurt ME at all, but if i assume that when i say me that I mean someone who did not get a job because they were edged out by another less qualified but more equal person then it has meaning, The reality is that where I live just doesn't have a whole lot of black folks living here, we have a large population of Native Americans though but since they have their very own land and can be on the government dole their entire life and have no limits to welfare, they end up being the poorest, least educated and most prone to alcoholism, drug addiction and violent crime. You think things are bad for other minorities but you have never seen places like Pine Ridge, wow! the abject poverty caused by government "help" has decimated a once brave and proud race. This is what happens to people who are nannied, they end up dependent for life. Thank god for them there is no law forcing them to stay on the reservation and many move away and make something of themselves without the giveaways.
Government dole? No limits to welfare? In what universe does this happen? I am surrounded by reservations and have native family. You are full of shit. They are the poorest because they were forced onto some of the worst lands the government could find. With the exception of the Navajo and a few other tribes. They spent hundreds of years being forced into boarding schools and were beaten if they tried to practice their spirituality or spoke their own language. The abuse was widespread and institutionalized. Countless native children died of starvation, abuse, neglect and exposure in these boarding schools. My mother is a product of the boarding school policy. Then they were sent back home without an identity or a language. They were taught to be ashamed of their own heritage. Border towns to this day discriminate against natives. I don't know what government dole money you are referring to but very few actually get any money from the government and those that do get only enough to keep from starving to death. Education is so low because most schools were outside the reservations and kids had to be bused to and from school or, as I mentioned before, sent to boarding schools. College? Forget it. They can't even afford decent housing let alone a college education.


Well-Known Member
...we have a large population of Native Americans though but since they have their very own land and can be on the government dole their entire life and have no limits to welfare, they end up being the poorest, least educated and most prone to alcoholism...
there is more to the ills of native americans than "being on the government dole".

why are so many native americans overweight? is it because they are on the government dole? or is it because of centuries of living without sugar in their diet has quite suddenly given way to nearly every product on the shelf at the local supermarket having HFCS in some way, shape or form?

oversimplification for the sake of a talking point is dishonest.


Well-Known Member
so because my skin is a different color than the other guy, i need to make my own 2x4s and power drills?

the type of discrimination that went on before civil rights was passed caused harm. your "rights" cease to be rights when they cause harm to others.
you don't have a right to force anyone to work for you. We did away with plantation

my right to swing my fist ends at your face.

deal with it.
You wouldn't last 2 seconds if you swung at me. You have a right to defend yourself.


Well-Known Member
history tells a different tale.

denying people service based on their skin color caused harm.

why is it so hard for you to accept this mundane historical fact?
No one is entitled to another persons work. Respect property rights.


Well-Known Member
the spirited discussions of today are far better than the ron paul spam we have seen in previous days. i like it.


Well-Known Member
me too, need to go make a delivery to a customer.

it would tickle parker to know that my customer is black and that i don't charge him any different than any other customer.

but if i did charge him double and give him inferior product, i am glad to know that parker would say that i am not causing him any harm in any way.
That's cause you're a liar and two faced. You cry and complain and threaten over insults yet you feel its okay for you to do it. You're full of shit as usual.


Well-Known Member
you don't have a right to force anyone to work for you. We did away with plantation

You wouldn't last 2 seconds if you swung at me, deal with it punk
a confusing tale of things i never said and threats of violence.

"i can beat you up" is not a valid rebuttal.


Well-Known Member
That's cause you're a liar and two faced. You cry and complain and threaten over insults yet you feel its okay for you to do it. You're full of shit as usual.
where did i insult you? i simply told you about my activities of the day.

do you not agree with me that i would be harming my customer (or at least his business model) by charging him more (and i could have) for the same product?


Well-Known Member
So this chinese guy goes into a bar and says to the bartender who happens to be black
"Hey Nig give me a jig"
Bartender says?
"what did you just say motherfucker?"
Chinese guys says
"hey nig dont be a prig and give me a jig"
Bartender takes a breath and says to the guy
"look that aint nice, come on back here and see what its like"
So the Chinese guy goes in back of the bar and the black guy says
"HEY CHINK Give me a fucking drink"
Chinese guy says
"Sorry we dont serve niggers here"

its real funny until
A minority doesnt get a place to live where he wants to live because of racism
The car dealership charges a minority more in interest on a loan becuase they are a minority
The bank not only charges more interest but redlines whole neighborhoods where they wont loan money for anything (makes it nice to drive prices down for redevelopment later)
A business wont hire a qualified minority because of their skin color not their experience skill or references

Ron Paul is a racist. He cant walk that back with pretty illiogical and hypocritical rationalizations about "individual rights vs. collective rights"
and if you forgive Ron Paul for that kind of morality then it comes into question what kind of morality you have.
Everyone of us is racist. The best of us rise above it.
Ron Paul never rose above it. He just masks it and not too skillfully either
only an uninformed child would call Ron Paul racist. No proof of him doing or saying anything racist.
I guess since he is against the death penalty because it was unfairly used against minorities is a sign of racism? He is against the war on drugs and sites how minorities are unfairly targeted. Your against that?? You're the racist one here. You want minorities to be handed heavier and unjust sentences. Go burn a cross in someones yard, it'll make you feel better.


Well-Known Member
Yes becuase there would be no repercussions in the private sector for acting as such. On top of that I firmly believe states like Utah where blacks are seen as the sons of Cain It would happen in weeks. Idaho and South Dakota maybe months.
LMAO Accusing entire states of turning to racism. make something else up.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is a corporations best freind. We have inadequate regulations keeping corporations in check as it is. Ron Paul advocates not only deregulating everything. But getting rid of the departments that act as watchdogs.
And you are a college student? Are you under 26 years of age? if you are ask your parents to put you on their insurance. And you will be covered. Under their plan.
Then why do corporations donate to other candidates and not much to Ron Paul? yea that's what corporations do, they dont donate to people who back them. The corporations are the ones writing the regulations that stifle competition. Put some thought into your post next time.


Well-Known Member
...Ron Paul...No proof of him doing or saying anything racist.
i ignored the rest of your post, as it was nothing but ad hominem. let's focus on the only non-insulting part of your post.

ron paul published a very racist newsletter. during the 1996 congressional campaign, he defended that newsletter as his own writing. the proof is in interviews covered by many newspapers at the time.

let's suppose he was lying during those interviews, which is his current claim.

so we are left to assume that he did not write them, even though he lied and said he did, but we still know he made money off the racist newsletters.

does making money off of racist newsletters count as "doing anything racist"? it does in my book.


Well-Known Member
I said states Like Utah. Which is majority Mormon.
I have posted a link to the source material
Here it is again

I believe Carne Seca is a mormon maybe he can tell you about Mormons and their treatment of blacks. In the meantime here is some passages from the book of mormon

Alma 3: 6 "And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men."

This same racist approach to people of color was the basis for denying people of African descent from partaking of priesthood blessings, a clear indication of which was their dark skin. According to the church the dark skin was a mark placed upon Cain and his posterity so they would not be killed. (Gen. 4: 15)
Understood mormons are racist. An entire segment of the population. You're the one filled with prejudice.


Well-Known Member
sorry to take such an eloquent post and reduce it to this, but this seems to be the main thrust of the argument.

i do not take the position that civil rights "forced ideals", i take the position that civil rights abridged freedoms in a good way.

do i like the idea of abridging freedoms? it depends.

yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre is the classic example of abridging a freedom in a way that most people would have to agree with. civil rights seems not to be much different to me.
sigh you wonder why I continually call you uninformed. You cannot yell fire in a theatre when there is none because you are bound by the code of conduct that business sets up.

what irks me is when people try to equate civil rights with jackbooted thugs descending on your private property and telling you how to wipe your ass. it is not that way, although you'd be hard-pressed to know that based on how some people argue the case.
so being fined and hauled off to jail for not serving someone based on color is not being a jack booted thug? Once again you have a misguided perception. okay for you to use force to get what you want but others cannot.

in any case, i had a thought as i was making my delivery: soon it will be rand's turn to carry the torch for his daddy. and rand carries the same position on civil rights, and it will be his downfall.
lmao the more you post the more you are wrong. too funny You dont do much reserach on peoples positions instead you make things up.

instead of being taken seriously, much of the rand paul debate will be focused on the same 50 year old debate on civil rights, and most people disagree with him.

it's just not a sensible position to take.
it's called standing up to freedom and liberty and defining the role of a limited government. We fought a revolution over the long reaching arm of a controlling king.


Well-Known Member
i'll say it again, aggression is not part of this discussion.

no one is forcing anyone to associate with anyone. what is being enforced is equal treatment of all.
that's a lie. You are using the threat of force to make someone work for another.

you have ZERO RIGHTS to do anything that harms another.
I'll say it again, harming someone is physical. Denying someone a cookie isn't harming them by your hand

to put it in hyperbolic terms, we could say that the government uses "acts of aggression" to punish people that murder other people. are you morally opposed to punishing murderers because it involves "acts of aggression" by the government?
you yourself are property. If someone hits you, damages you, you have recourse. Quit making things up.

no one has a right to deny someone service in a supposedly public establishment due to skin color or other arbitrary reasons because it is harmful to those people being denied service. no one is getting punched in the face, as per the "parker standard", but harm is being caused nonetheless. history proves this.
no it doesn't prove it. You do not understand the definition of harm. that is your failing not mine. keep making things up it's rather funny and sad at the same time.

if you are morally opposed to the government using "force" or "aggression" to make sure that people are not overstepping their rights and freedoms and thus harming others, i have to wonder how you would feel about the government using "force" and "aggression" to punish murderers as well.

just give it up. it is only hurting your cause.
punishing murders is punishing someone who has harmed property. You need to become informed before spouting off. it is hurting your cause.


Well-Known Member
a confusing tale of things i never said and threats of violence.

"i can beat you up" is not a valid rebuttal.
it's not about that it's about defending property you yourself are property. keep threatening though if it makes you feel better.