Who germintes in light?

How many germinate in light?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • No

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • Yes and No

    Votes: 7 23.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Sure if your growing outside Einstein
Indoor or outdoor it does not make any difference.Indoor growing is trying to copy what goes on outdoors.
Why would germinating seeds indoors be any different,they are the same seeds you grow outdoors.OPH

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
i have a simular question!! i germ my seed in paper towel method!! that works fine, now when they sprout a 1/4 inch of root i plant in a small 6inch pot root down about 5mmunder soil suface!! right what ive done this time is = as soon as i planted the seed i put it immedietly under my cfls 24hrs constant.

can any1 tell me wetha that method is ok or is it better to keep them in the dark until they pop the surface??
sorry to push in on the thread but ide like some feedback b4 i do sumin wrong!! thanx all

I think if it has a root tap and in the medium 24/7 is right on


New Member
cheers tom, yes it has a root, i planted at 1/4 inch, checked the seed after about 12hrs of it being planted and the root was like an inch long already!!! wow

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Indoor or outdoor it does not make any difference.Indoor growing is trying to copy what goes on outdoors.
Why would germinating seeds indoors be any different,they are the same seeds you grow outdoors.OPH

Let me know when you can be outdoors with 24/7 light or even 24/7 night, not even at the poles where plants don't grow anyway
Major big difference

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
OOO yeaaaa!

Finally I feel confident in a formula for germinating :-P
I got this one to germinate as you can see in about 24 hrs and that included a 3 hr soak in a shot glass till it fell to the bottom!

Just one layer of paper towel in a baggy slightly open for air on top of my light box in the veg room and that was with 12 hr of darkness with the rest of the flowering plants I have going.

I like the fact that you can see threw the baggy and I could see a tap root emerging.

I like doing this way over putting the seed directly into the RW because your positive it really started and much faster then the first time at 5 days before seeing a sprout and some died.

fdd2blk :-P



New Member
hi, i also made a thrad on this a fiew days ago,well this is the method i used and it worked gr8;

i used the paper towel in the plate method but ontop ov a heatmat at around 76-80'f

as soon as i had 1/4inch of root i planted 5mm under soil surface and immedietly put under 24/7 cfl light.

the seed sprouted in 24hrs and then shot thru the soil the next day without any problems.

itsnow the 3rd day since since germ and the baby is an inch above soil already, im happy with that!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well if you think about it when you plant seeds in a vegetable garden plant the seeds and they sprout when the sun is out. nothing different indoors.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter... MJ wants us to smoke so bad... you can practically piss on it, stomp it into the ground, shit on the same spot... and you'll have some bud..ha... don't try this, i was joking


Active Member
Im still trying to make up my mind on a germ method before my T44 seeds get here from nirvana. I have a decent heated porpagator and im thnking of doing a 24h pre soak then planting the seeds in a pot each of light mix seedling soil (recomended by the grow shop man), stick the pots in the heated propagator under a single 75w cfl and give them 18h light and 6h dark until they are ready for the big light.

Hows this sound guys?