Who has a criminal lawyer appointment or one in the family

The problem I see is what do the dog actually get there ques by, terpenes, flavinoids ? All which are legal.
Next time they pull you over start shooting. Treat every traffic stop like a code red, bro. Kill everything and don't ask questions, fuck the questions those are never important. You're getting soft homie, what's up with you? if I didn't know better I'd think you're starting to experience emotions of some sort. That kid is wade, might as well get them both at the same time. You don't want that little fucker coming back at you later. Don't lose sight of who you are and don't listen to your shrink, that clueless cockaroach doesn't know shit. Trust me
kill them all and let the gods figure it out ok
look for the quote on the news Mr Sunshine told me too it will be the new i am joker

Legal rights granted by one state don't cover you in a different state, unless reciprocity is granted.

Everything I've ever read said 99 out of 100 times police will never see punishment for destroying your property during a "justified" search. In non legal states, marijuana odor justifies a search. Best bet is to treat your vehicle with chemicals known to be irritating to dogs or install an ultrasonic device to deter the dogs. An ultrasonic device is nearly imperceptible and can be wired to an existing switch, rear defrost switch works well.

good one never thought of the ultrasonic
So a question.... Is it still illegal for you guys to send seeds to other countries via mail?