Who has been pulled over while driving high???

Just curious who has been pulled over by police while driving high. I mean really high! Like when you roll down the window and smoke comes billowing out!? And when you look at the officer and your eyes look like Darth Maul? Im curious cause I know they take DUI so seriously. I am wondering what happens when your obviously high as fuck? Do you get an SUI? What happens when your baked, but smoked all the evidence? Please share your state and the penalties for your offense.
"DUI" is just 'under the influence', they don't specify influence of what, until you are charged.
A lot of times now they can in a K9 is they "think" they smell anything. They would like to be sure before tearing a car apart cause if they don't find anything they gotta put it all back together... But if they do find something, they can basically destroy your car and your just screwed.

Very interesting info there.
depends on the cop. i was popped once driving with my girl (she was driving). we were both stoned. i got arrested and they impounded her car. after they pulled her out i overheard them talking about "smelling weed". so when i was finally approached by the officer i just willingly told them where the stash was (i should of just not said a word, but i was worried about my girl). yea it sucks gettin hit with a drug offense cause when you get to the station they make you "bend over and lift your sack". haha that was a fun easter eve for me. my little brother paid half my bond with my change jar...that was hilarious watching those pigs try and fit all that change into an envelope. true story
I got pulled over with a buddy while we were heading through a small country town. The cop was sitting in an obscured driveway waiting for speeders and pulled me over even though I was only going 5 MPH over the speed limit. We had at least 2 ounces of some bomb ass bud and we had literally just got done hot boxing the car about 2 minutes before we got pulled over. Needless to say, smoke was piling out of the car whenever I rolled the windows down. Thankfully he took awhile to get out of his car and we sprayed some cologne to cover up the smell. He walked up to the car, asked me if I knew why he pulled me over blah blah blah, took our licenses and insurance information and went back to his car.

This is not an exaggeration, he literally took at least 10 minutes to get back to my car. He walks up to my car and says "I'm going to send you on down the road, just slow down next time". Easily the most scared I've ever been in my life. I live in Oklahoma and the Marijuana laws here are some of the toughest in the USA thanks to the good ole Bible belt. I'll never know how he didn't smell anything but I'm sure thankful he didn't.

Anyways, that's my story and my first post.
Two people got popped for faulty equipment so far.

Dont drive with faulty equipment and this includes the license plate light.

And no crap hanging from the rear view mirror.

Dont speed and no traffic infractions which means stop at stop signs and always use the blinkers.

Do as I say and not as I do right. If I have any sort of faulty equipment on my car it goes right to the top of the list to get done.

Cops are the gateway to the system.
I was stopped a few weeks ago and I was stoned, putting it mildly. I'm not going to say how much I had in the trunk. The cop asked a few questions, seemingly in hopes of smelling my breath, checked my license and wished me a good night.

Truth be told, there's rarely a time when I'm not high. I look like a totally straight upstanding member of society. That's what counts. When a cop pulls you over, he doesn't have a whole lot of time to determine who and what you are. The quicker he can classify you, the faster his decision process, the more streamlined his actions. This is what he wants. He wants to see you as a stereotype. So, give him a profile he knows. One that he finds completely non-threatening and even welcoming in its own way.

I was stopped a few weeks ago and I was stoned, putting it mildly. I'm not going to say how much I had in the trunk. The cop asked a few questions, seemingly in hopes of smelling my breath, checked my license and wished me a good night.

Truth be told, there's rarely a time when I'm not high. I look like a totally straight upstanding member of society. That's what counts. When a cop pulls you over, he doesn't have a whole lot of time to determine who and what you are. The quicker he can classify you, the faster his decision process, the more streamlined his actions. This is what he wants. He wants to see you as a stereotype. So, give him a profile he knows. One that he finds completely non-threatening and even welcoming in its own way.


My grandma is my mule!!!
I was stopped a few weeks ago and I was stoned, putting it mildly. I'm not going to say how much I had in the trunk. The cop asked a few questions, seemingly in hopes of smelling my breath, checked my license and wished me a good night.

Truth be told, there's rarely a time when I'm not high. I look like a totally straight upstanding member of society. That's what counts. When a cop pulls you over, he doesn't have a whole lot of time to determine who and what you are. The quicker he can classify you, the faster his decision process, the more streamlined his actions. This is what he wants. He wants to see you as a stereotype. So, give him a profile he knows. One that he finds completely non-threatening and even welcoming in its own way.


Quoted and bolded for truth. It's sad that it works that way but it's just human nature.
i'd love to do a test for say the mythbusters though.. let me smoke a few fatties, get behind the wheel of my automobile and let me lose on a road course.. i'd love to see the results.. :D

Car & Driver did that in the late-70s. They tested weed against alcohol, hit for hit. Unanimously, everyone clocked faster slalom times as they smoked more. This being said, it's not quite as simple nor can the idea be prorated for all drivers, but it is what it is. Can you tell I'm a car guy?

Car & Driver did that in the late-70s. They tested weed against alcohol, hit for hit. Unanimously, everyone clocked faster slalom times as they smoked more. This being said, it's not quite as simple nor can the idea be prorated for all drivers, but it is what it is. Can you tell I'm a car guy?


i'm now on a mission to find that article simon.. :D and yah, i'm a car nut as well, who would have thunk it?? :D
slightly off topic.'
I've noticed if you get high and then drive it's a lot harder than if you get high while driving....am I alone here or has anyone els noticed this....
Smoking in your car is just asking to be busted imo. But then we all did it when we were teenagers now didn't we. My hubby was stopped at a rest area and he went into the bathroom and left the sunroof down. some cop checking plates smelled his stash and waited to bust him. Hubby pulls out his med cert and his bag. You should have seen that cops face.
Smoking in your car is just asking to be busted imo. But then we all did it when we were teenagers now didn't we. My hubby was stopped at a rest area and he went into the bathroom and left the sunroof down. some cop checking plates smelled his stash and waited to bust him. Hubby pulls out his med cert and his bag. You should have seen that cops face.

my teen years must have lasted for about 30 some years then... :D