Who has the best voice ever?

Lane Staley
Hell ya. I saw those guys a few times. Best and craziest concert yet was Alice in Chains. All in Seattle. I was born there too, but didn't get into heroin. Weed is addictive enough to me.

He sang this while he kneeled down the whole time not really moving with his sunglasses on. I'm sure he was on heroin, but it kicked ass. Then when "Would" came on the crowd went crazy. My ex freaked out and had the crowd lift her up and she crowd surfed her way to the side and out of the front. I tried to get people to lift me up so I could stay with her, but they couldn't pick me up. I just had to barge my way through the crowd that was trying to go the opposite away as me. Sick and wild times.

Hell ya. I saw those guys a few times. Best and craziest concert yet was Alice in Chains. All in Seattle. I was born there too, but didn't get into heroin. Weed is addictive enough to me.

He sang this while he kneeled down the whole time not really moving with his sunglasses on. I'm sure he was on heroin, but it kicked ass. Then when "Would" came on the crowd went crazy. My ex freaked out and had the crowd lift her up and she crowd surfed her way to the side and out of the front. I tried to get people to lift me up so I could stay with her, but they couldn't pick me up. I just had to barge my way through the crowd that was trying to go the opposite away as me. Sick and wild times.

exalent, never herd them b4, herd of them, but never listened untill now that is, thanx
Pavarotti !
He's in a whole different league in my opinion. I find a lot of bad voices that are very appealing that I love to listen to, like Neil Young, Dylan , Joe Cocker...on and on. Then there is the juggernaut, the power house, the guy who can put me on my knees. I'm stoned. Hey, read the other night that you are in very rough shape....I'm so sorry ! I admire you for the humor you've displayed , the good yuks......the grace under pressure !
Best male singer. There is none. There's just many good ones.

Saw Soundgarden a few times too. Still have Louder than Live (a promo cd they sent to some radio stations), and Badmotorfinger with SOMMS. He did have a great voice. Another Seattle guy. The cardboard and Duct tape was how they sent them out.


there's something about the rasp in John Fogerty's voice I love. Born on the Bayou is a good example. Its never a "best voice" for me, it seems to be mood and song based, but for now ill go with:
Also have a soft spot for Teddy Sinclaire (Cruel Youth) as well. Amazing voice.