Who Has The Biggest Ass


Well-Known Member
I damn sure love my pats an genos steaks but everytime I go I get the cheeze wiz lol its so much better.I haven't had one in a while though.
Yeah, you gotta try S.O.S. ( steak on South st) they have one of the best chicken cheese steaks in philly for sure.

I think Cheez Whiz, as hard as it is to believe, just barely passes as Cheese. WEIRD huh.
Not at all. My parents own a few pizza shops and i don't remember what was in the brand that we used but i remember thinking to myself " No shit!" loL


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you gotta try S.O.S. ( steak on South st) they have one of the best chicken cheese steaks in philly for sure.

I never had them but will check them out when I get a chance I love chicken cheese steaks and there better with the real cheese to:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lol it said he lit something on fire and put it between his legs and sat there with it burning him what a dick head.


Active Member
I can't understand why the passengers let him off the plane alive?? He certainly did not want them walking off... I hope his ball are fried to a crisp.. Asshole


Well-Known Member
Not Anymore.
I can actually understand what you're saying right now:clap::eyesmoke::clap:
You wouildn't be talking about jims steaks would you?its the black and white building with like a retro checker design because I had them and there delicious just always packed.I think there on 4th or 5th on the side across from condom kingdom
Nah Jim's steaks is made by people who sweat over the grille all day. DO NOT eat there. thats where they get the salt from

On a side not: I have to make a trip to condom kingdom. That place is the ultimate place to get all of the essentials to please your woman above and beyond expectations:hump:


Well-Known Member
I can actually understand what you're saying right now:clap::eyesmoke::clap:
Nah Jim's steaks is made by people who sweat over the grille all day. DO NOT eat there. thats where they get the salt from

On a side not: I have to make a trip to condom kingdom. That place is the ultimate place to get all of the essentials to please your woman above and beyond expectations:hump:
Damn I didn't know all that i will not eat there again,I haven't had one in like 3 years from there anyway they were always packed when i went.

Condom kingdom is one of my favorite stores on south street besides the stores with the cool ass jamaicans.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Dont know if someone has said this..

But Kim Kardashian or however the fuck you spell it, Damn that chick has a fat ass!

Alittle Freakishly big