who here does not flush their plants before harvest?


Well-Known Member
I have seem a few people now who claim that they have done side by side tests,

flushed bud vs. unflushed bud and cant tell a bit of difference.

and then there are those who flush for 2 entire weeks.

anybody have any input from a test they ran


Well-Known Member
I use Fox Farms, so I guess I'm on the organic boat as well. I did have somewhat of an experiment going last grow. I had one lemon g plant growing with Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil, the other with my wife's compost (created mainly with leftover fruits & veggies). While I did not flush I know that MG soil contains chemically based nutrients that slowly release (or so they say) over six months. I could not tell a difference. Hope that helps, I have a sneaky suspicion someone is about to disagree with me ...


Well-Known Member
well i use hydroponics non organic, i was just curious, thanks guys. i have an early finisher, and dont want to flush my entire system for the one plant. But i may try to rig up a way to flush it for a few days at least, unless i can get a couple hydro growers say they have tried not flushing and had good results.


bud bootlegger
yah, i also grow in soil and don't buy into the whole flushing thing.. i just don't get why anyone would want to not feed their plants for the last two weeks of growth.. and the whole thing about builtup salts in the soil, i just don't buy the hype.. i don't see how much salt is getting built up in my soil when i usually water water feed.. there should be plenty of runoff water washing away these so called built up salts.. and i dont' just pump as much nutrients into my plant as i simply can.. i try to keep the nutes to the bare minimum.. usually about 1/4 to 1/2 strength at the most..
on a side note, i do use a product called clearex for a couple of days before harvest and continue to feed light nutes during the entire grow..
my first grow i flushed, and ever since that grow, nada, and i can't say i can taste any difference, nor has anyone said to me that my bud tastes like chemicals or burns odd or whatever, so till i see a problem with not flushing, i won't..


Well-Known Member
Well, I chopped one branch today so I can compare them. I actually smoked a joint my friend had who also suspected the person he got it from didnt flush, and it did taste funny, kind of a strange unnatural aftertaste.

Big P

Well-Known Member
its doesnt taste as nice but its not a big deal just a bit harsher, if you dont have a choice just dont flush it. i only flush for like 5 days first i apply clearex to for the plants to shit out all the nutes then just plain water for 5 days.

ive chopped several crops without flushign and i use chemical nutes to the overload. it does taste less harsh though with a proper flush.


Well-Known Member
Here are my takes on organic and chemical fertilizers.

When we used the chemical, powder fertilizer flushes were nice. If for nothing else than to rinse out some of the chemical salt residues on the inside of the pots from the fertilizer. I'm pretty sure that back then, we did a plain water flush for the last watering and then let the plants go without anything for ~2 weeks, then harvested. I don't remember having nasty tasting stuff.

I don't really flush with organics because there isn't any salt residue in the pots, and I don't feed every week. Heck, I don't water every week either. Generally, the last feeding will happen 4 weeks before the plants are cut. 2 weeks before the cut, I'll give a water-only-watering because I dislike to overfeed.

Honestly, other than physically rinsing out residue in the growing medium/pots, I haven't heard a good reason to flush. I don't think plants store excess nutrients in the flowers. Even if we assume a flush does use up extra nutes in the buds then it still doesn't make sense because other parts of the plant will be preferentially eaten up. Evolutionarily speaking, a plant would try to keep the flowering intact as long as possible, those are the parts responsible survival.


Misguided Angel
The great flush debate! I have been pondering this for quite a while myself. I always flush because that is what I have read or been shown, even the nutrient companies tell you to flush on their fancy nutrient tables or calculators. You would think if flushing was bullshit a nute company would tell you to feed right up until harvest? On the other hand do they really store nutes that will taste nasty. I guess the only way to know is to do a side by side comparison yourself...

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Years ago I tried both flushed and not flushed w/ plants from the same mother. Grew, harvested, dried and cured together in the same way.....I didnt notice a difference after curing.
I havent flushed for a while and never have a problem w/ harshness.


Active Member
if you want to set up something for your one plant just use a 5 gallon buck with an airstone. this will let you flush for as long as you want. personaly i dont see much difference wheather i flush or not. everyone has there own opion. look at some guys put 5 airstones in their deep water. over kill if you ask me. when water can only hold so many o2 molicules but they still put them in there. so some will flush and some wont. think it is more of a preference


Active Member
My nute schedual from foxfarm says to feed up untill harvest. I think Im going to follow that.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I did it on my first grow (I admit - I hardly smoked until then) but there WAS a SLIGHT difference...the flushed stuff was slightly smoother and didn't taste as harsh, I don't know if the pheno between the 2 seeds was ever so SLIGHTLY different but I prefer to flush my plants now anyway (who's to say there isn't something in the nutes which I'm slightly allergic to? and not flushing could make me absolutely flip like I've read about with some people on here...besides, flushing ensures your brain isn't gonna be intoxicated or react with any nasty chemicals!)


Well-Known Member
I grow in organic soil and never flush. I don't really use nutes just a dose of horse manure tea if the plant shows signs of being hungry. I do use molasses a few times during the grow in a watering, this is both for the plant and the soil. I try to harvest when it is time to water, hang the whole plant whenever possible and let it dry nice and slowly. They go into a cure jar and ready to smoke in a few months. Not saying I don't smoke a little before hand but just brought out a Dec 26th cure for the everyday smoke.
Personally I could only see a flush or possible advantage to a flush is if I was trying to dry and cure in a rushed manner. If you dry and cure your buds properly it would take some pretty shitty weed to be harsh flushing or no flushing.
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
I only flushed when using synthetic fertilizers...now that I switched over to organics...all I gotta do is water my plant with pure water till harvest with an occasional tea here and there...no need to flush and check pH..ever :)