Well-Known Member
Good God, weed has no business being mixed with anything but kief or you smoke it mixed?
i like it cus it saves the weed a bit and its not bad to smoke.
Good God, weed has no business being mixed with anything but kief or you smoke it mixed?
i like it cus it saves the weed a bit and its not bad to smoke.
instantly made me think of this.I smoke cigarettes along side it, but I have never mixed my cannabis with tobacco. The two never touch even though I am smoking both separately.
I understand some tokers use tobacco as a form of cannabis helper to stretch things out, but I am not one of them. I like my hits straight up and neat, like some of my drinks.
Aye once you have a taste for a tobacco involved joint, and get used to that high and head rush at the same time, it's very veyr hard to make do with just weed. I remember when folk used to tell me that smokers quickly lose any benefit of cigarettes and it just becomes about addiction, fuck them, each cigarette gets me off my tits like the one ebforeIn my country it's a way of life, we call it 'basing' the weed so if someone say 'u got base' they mean cigarettes or raw tobacco (we call it 'fanta') or colts or whatever u mix your weed with. I could have just bought an ounce of the highest grade But if I don't got 'base' I won't smoke a spliff.
Is there nicotine in raw unprocessed tobacco? U can't compare the two cause if you try smoking the raw tobacco I use it'll rip your throat out, like smoking razor blades but when I mix up it gives me a smooth 'hit' in my chest which is what I crave when I smoke, plain weed DOES not give me that hit hence why I don't smoke plain.All you're getting is a short-lived nicotine buzz. I dunno, mixing weed with tobacco is like mixing beer with soda. It must be region based thing, I've been in Nor Cal all my life and no one here would think about soiling MJ with tobacco