Who Influenced you to start growing


Well-Known Member
No one.....once I figured out plants come from seed...I planted every type of seed I could get my hands on......................


Active Member
Ive found most people start growing because a friend has shown them the works or they have seen on the web/tv, so who or what first inspired you too start growing marijuana?

I think the first thing that inspired me was seeing a friends 10 ft tall sativa, was a site too behold and ever after seeing that I wanted my own.
id have to say that fucked dealer prices and havein no money is wat inspired me to get with it! lol should be growin here by the end of this week!:bigjoint:


New Member
and a nose-picking spermatozoa.

OMG Are you serious Woody? Why are you saying all these random crazy things for? ahh People are going to think your a troll for sure now.

It's not cool dude but blatant Schizophrenia has never been more entertaining though, thank you for that.




Well-Known Member
i was given a 2 disc DVD set one day out of the blue. it was none other than the one and only Jorge Cervantes who inspired me to start growing after i watched his ultimate grow 1 and 2 DVDs i thought what the hell.