Who is anesia? Dinabolt?

Lmfao how did I not see this first time around, my exact same fuck up but with megacrop... "I should be using calmag.. but they said....Oh no! Fuck!"

Same. I started using Mega Crop during my last grow and ended up getting pretty wicked burns. Then I noticed deficiencies starting this cycle once they went into flower. Luckily I switched off to Jacks early enough to be able to stabilize the issue. They would probably be crispy at this point if I hadn't. One thing I noticed was a ton of fallen out salts sludge with Mega Crop, but none at all with Jacks. I used Canna forever, but wanted to get away from having to buy expensive, giant jugs every few cycles. Jacks is great. I wish I would have known about it years ago.
get away from having to buy expensive, giant jugs
We seem to be on the same train of thought, god damn bottles all over the place and a lot of them seem designed to spill all over...

Kudos to Canna for their bottles but their still a bunch of scamming cunts :bigjoint:
DAMN! Checked the room this AM & the AC discharge hose had come loose. It was over 100 degrees in the room for hours! Waiting for the damage to show..
I've tried out some fresh cut bud using my Volcano. This is definitely an upper, creative buzz. I want a cup of coffee and some friends over but I'm settling for tee & putting down the wine. I thought of brushing the dust off of my newly purchased keyboard or writing Haiku. Very glad I have a mother plant.

Although it is certainly relaxing, don't look for this one to help you sleep. It's more likely to make you glad you stayed awake a little longer.
The following is an auto-translation of a post made by a large EU cannabis-seedbank:

"I have now received several inquiries about Anesia Seeds. This "seed bank" I will NOT take in the program because it is most likely not a seed bank at all and the whole thing is completely unserioes. If you know a little about the subject and look at the site of Anesia, you will immediately notice the unrealistic active ingredient information. Well, there is always some exaggeration, but so violent is probably unique. There is no company information on the site. These two facts should be enough to set alarm bells ringing for anyone interested.

According to who.is entry the domain of Anesia is registered to a person with address in Palma de Mallorca. The email address is [email protected]. 1000seeds, there the next alarm bells should ring. The address in Palma belongs to a normal house. If you query Google with the email address, you will immediately find other domains registered with the address (growlando.com, cannamedseeds.com and landraces.net). Furthermore, another female name appears in the context as well as a Spanish SL (limited liability company) which also has its headquarters on the Balearic Islands.

1000seeds.info hides the owner of the domain via an anonymization service. If you try a little bit further, you will find out who is behind the 1000seeds.info store. The anonymization service was not always upstream, see http://domainsigma.com/whois/de/100seeds.info. So the circle is closed, 1000seeds is equal to Anesia Seeds!

If you take a closer look at the 1000seeds site, you will notice that it can't be serious. Company data is missing here as well. Parts of the FAQ and other text were stolen from Samenwahl. The text under "Política de privacidad" was stolen from Dinafem and the operators of 1000seeds were not even smart enough to exchange the company name of Dinafem in the text.

I absolutely cannot understand how you can order from such sites. It is obvious that someone has cobbled together pages with at least partly stolen texts via Wordpress to fool customers.

Since the tracks to 1000seeds and Anesia lead to Mallorca, I also talked to Rudi from Mallorca Seeds /Growzone Mallorca. Rudi knows the hemp scene in Mallorca really well and knows there "God and the world". He knows the people behind the above mentioned SL and thus behind 1000seeds and Anesia.
He sent me the following email about the topic: "Again a para infos about them. They were with me and supposedly wanted to market mallorca seeds better. For this purpose they sent the girl to get information about genetics and the like. They have no clue. In the end everything turned out to be a lie and they were gone. Now they try to sell their garbage (or partial garbage) on fake sites. All strains are fictitious or copied. The given address on mallorca is a residential house. They do not run a business here. How could they ? they have no idea about store optimization. They work normally for the landmaschienen construction. I have seen the papers myself. Then someone came up with the idea with the seeds........
You can forward this text, because I no longer write in forums.
With hempy greetings."

Everyone is free to throw their money out at Anesia/1000seeds. If you choose seeds, the alleged varieties from the "seedbank" will not exist"