Who is DJ short?

I know DJ short personally. He lives in the US and is doing well. He likes to attend Burning man every year. I obviously dont want to give away who he is cause he doesnt want to be known but he is a great grower and has taught me much.
Maximus, thanks for the clarification. I do remember him saying something about Blueberry being around in Canada before he started his line. I wonder who developed the original Blueberry line? I love strain origin stuff even if it is a bunch of BS.

Hymem why pick
[h=1]Lester Diamond from casino as your avatar, so sleezy!![/h]get a better pic of james woods for god sakes

..sry im a big mafia movie fan
He started growing in a prize from a box of cereal. Put the entire bud seed and all in the grow dome. Seed sprouted right through the bud.

As for who he is, I've looked everywhere. It's not on the internet and I have yet to ask the question myself. I dare not ask because I know better. From my research, he is to weed as Willy Wonka is to candy. Like Willy Wonka, he is hiding in his factory. His factory is also hiding. I have a theory as to his current location. His official site for selling his seeds went down long ago. Currently the most official site that sells his stock is LEGENDS.

Putting aside the conspiracy theories. I have read his book. It was published by Ed Rosenthauls Company. If anyone knows who DJ Short is, Ed does.

Pertaining to all DJ Short Blueberry Knock offs: DJ Short is an insane breeder. He bred a deformity into all his seeds. The deformity is lost after a single cross. The only way to tell if your Blueberry is LEGIT, is to see if it has the "crinkle" deformity. DJ aShort also invented an inbred weed that actually negates a high. He dubbed such weed as "no high".

Anyone want to know where I think DJ Short is? It's a big mystery.
That was well said i am dj short. I am your fawwwwthaa
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I was at a party he was at in Southern Oregon in 1990. There was a lot of very good real Blueberry bud at that party. A few people got some seeds that were not really available on the open market at the time. It was a big party and there were a few heavy weights there and he wasn't really famous yet so I never spoke to him. Lots of Blueberry there though and I've never really seen any grown quite as well witha as strong a blueberry smell ever since.
What do you guys think of his assertion that you should flower on an 11 hour cycle? He is really vocal about it but the rest of the growing community says it is bunk. I've got some Grape Krush that is 2 weeks from beng done and I've had it on an 11/13 cycle. On my next crop I'm going to run 12/12 to see if there is a noticeable difference. When I start my third crop of this strain you'll know which one I thought was better.
What do you guys think of his assertion that you should flower on an 11 hour cycle? He is really vocal about it but the rest of the growing community says it is bunk. I've got some Grape Krush that is 2 weeks from beng done and I've had it on an 11/13 cycle. On my next crop I'm going to run 12/12 to see if there is a noticeable difference. When I start my third crop of this strain you'll know which one I thought was better.
I'm interested to find out what your findings are on this.
I know the guy invented blueberry but I was wondering if he is still around. Ive grown a blueberry strain from Dutch Passion but have heard it isnt the original. Anyone have any info on this? Thanks

If your still looking on information for or on DJ Short, he does provide a class in Pasadena, that teaches you how to grow his strain, he also has a book published called Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis.
The link for the class is here:

The Link for his book:http://www.amazon.com/Cultivating-Exceptional-Cannabis-Breeder-Marijuana/dp/0932551599