At least you understand who I be talkin' bout! His boozen' daddy had 2 iron legs from a booze induced car wreck then, finally died from a booze induced violent car wreck at 46yrs young!! I don't care what you wear or how you wear it. Just vote that bad seed into office from Kenya, whose daddy had alread knocked up many women in Kenya before he went and bedded the foul. sleezy, Obama momma in Hawaii. What a bad JOKE on everyone in the country!! He's cohorts want to call the kettle black when referring to Palin's daughter, at least the man is going marry the girl instead of running off and leaving his responsibilies like O-bomb! US daddy! go to ATLAH Daily Webcast - Manning Fierce Prayer for Bristol Palin Listen to all of them....How many times have you been to Africa, how much money have you sent to Africa NONE NADDA Nothing!!! Not even a bandaide! Obama would have never gotten the great education had it not been for this Great Countries Help, and his BITTER WIFE who they had to take off the sceen, she is so full of hate and venom!!
Hey racist pig, I guess you found a forum where people are dumb enough to put up with your foul odor. Make no mistake though, in a man to man meeting only one of us walks away.
I'm German, and if people wonder how it was possible for 6 M Jews to be murdered in cold blood, THIS IS HOW!!
But many here may actually still be debating if the holocaust really happened, trust me, it did! You can still smell it if you are close enough to one of these camps.
God help us, what a bunch of morons.