Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im not saying i was a real big McCain guy by any means and when the party put Palin by his side I knew he was done but anything would be better then what we have now. Obama is just not qualified to do this and has no clue and is working on total destruction of this country and scares the crap out of me everyday when he does something. At least McCain would have had some balls and been somewhat respected even though he wasnt my first choice. 3 and a half more years before we can get this fixed up hopefully we make it


New Member
Im not saying i was a real big McCain guy by any means and when the party put Palin by his side I knew he was done but anything would be better then what we have now. Obama is just not qualified to do this and has no clue and is working on total destruction of this country and scares the crap out of me everyday when he does something. At least McCain would have had some balls and been somewhat respected even though he wasnt my first choice. 3 and a half more years before we can get this fixed up hopefully we make it
I'm pretty sure we come down on polar opposites in the political spectrum, but I am learning to dislike Obama for way different reasons than you. He has swung way too far to the right for my likings, in fact if you liked Bush II, you should love Obama, he is continuing on in the footsteps of Dubya way too familiar for me. Those financial fiascos you blame all on Obama are nothing more than the continuation of the Bush financial policies, spend first, question later. The cluster fuck we call medical reform, nothing more than a big party with all the players except the American people at the table. Expansion of the private military, you should love that, privatization of everything, remember. Building almost 2 billion bucks worth of muslim inciting embassies in Packistan, there is a lot of private contractor spending, right up your alley. I find it funny that one man (Obama) could bring us together in our dislikes.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Except as you said way different views of Obama as from his actions he is trhe exact opposite of Bush and has bucked every common sense move that should have been made to correct the issues and isnt continuing any thing except the decline in our nation at a new unheard of pace. Every move he claims to make for progress is 40 moives backwards to helping our country.As Bush moved to strength and broaden our countries protection obama moves to lessen and soften our securitys while attampting to force socialism upon us knowing that system will not and can not work. never has never will but as unqualified as he is he either doesnt see it or just doesnt care.


New Member
Except as you said way different views of Obama as from his actions he is trhe exact opposite of Bush and has bucked every common sense move that should have been made to correct the issues and isnt continuing any thing except the decline in our nation at a new unheard of pace. Every move he claims to make for progress is 40 moives backwards to helping our country.As Bush moved to strength and broaden our countries protection obama moves to lessen and soften our securitys while attampting to force socialism upon us knowing that system will not and can not work. never has never will but as unqualified as he is he either doesnt see it or just doesnt care.
Are you really that blind? I can see that arguing with you is a waste of my time and energy. How anyone can live within the constraints of your mind is awe inspiring to me. It's like you have blinders on and are staring straight ahead like some old nag plowhorse. Conservatives good, everything else bad, don't bother me with facts. I've tried to reach out to you time and again. I guess I'm outside the view of your blinders.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im still trying to see where I ever said conservatives are the only good? Im a moderate republican but anyone over 3 can see that the democaratic party as a whole is a failure and is about self preservation at the cost of the greater being. thats my only point. George Bush perefect nooooo. Better then Obama yessssss. Clinton good president ..nooooo.. regan great president yesssss.. Simple to me based on everyday life of myself a working class laborer who has to earn his living via the trades. Jobs plentiful during Reagan and Bush years yup. Lots of jobs in the Clinton and Obama years nope none and fewer by the day. Can't be much simpler then that. If I am emplyeed and can find lots of work pay my bills and see a way to plan that to me is good. If jobs do not exist and I can not find money to survive and plan my future thats bad. So do not think it can be much more true then that. To each his own i guess.


Well-Known Member
Are you really that blind? I can see that arguing with you is a waste of my time and energy. How anyone can live within the constraints of your mind is awe inspiring to me. It's like you have blinders on and are staring straight ahead like some old nag plowhorse. Conservatives good, everything else bad, don't bother me with facts. I've tried to reach out to you time and again. I guess I'm outside the view of your blinders.
Sorry MM your the one with Blinders on..

Obama to far to the right...LOL

Man the press rolls over for Obama

Obama is gonna get all of us attacked on our own soil. God help us from this muslim


New Member
Med man is without a doubt one of the most uninformed individuals in the political threads, and that is saying a lot.... :sad:

Big P

Well-Known Member
nice to see commen sense geting its due

I hate to be on band wagons but obama sucks nuts

this fucker truly lied through his teeth during the election and will never win the pesidency again. I garantee that and am willing to place big wagers

everything he said in such a believable manner during the election was a lie.

this fool told us he will be posting any and all bills on his website for everyone to read before things are voted on

instead what happens? he pushes through the most hurtful and largest in history trillion dollar spending bill filled with pork and pet projects and tells everyone to vote on it right away,

the republicans refuse to vote for it and the dems approve it without even reading it!!!!!???,

what happend to all the bullshitting he was doing during the election????

fuckin pig vomit piece of shit communist he is.

where's the transparency?

this guy gets one tough question from the only "news" organization left and he looks like hes gonna cry, wtf??? who is this guy anyway?????

look at this video this little bitch looks like hes gonna cry just because he gets one tough question:



New Member
Now I don't agree at all that we were circling the toilet bowl....that was all spin.

But the answer is to elect someone who wants to pull the handle and flush us?

I don't get it..... although I did warn everyone before the election.


New Member
nice to see commen sense geting its due

I hate to be on band wagons but obama sucks nuts

this fucker truly lied through his teeth during the election and will never win the pesidency again. I garantee that and am willing to place big wagers

everything he said in such a believable manner during the election was a lie.

this fool told us he will be posting any and all bills on his website for everyone to read before things are voted on

instead what happens? he pushes through the most hurtful and largest in history trillion dollar spending bill filled with pork and pet projects and tells everyone to vote on it right away,

the republicans refuse to vote for it and the dems approve it without even reading it!!!!!???,

what happend to all the bullshitting he was doing during the election????

fuckin pig vomit piece of shit communist he is.

where's the transparency?

this guy gets one tough question from the only "news" organization left and he looks like hes gonna cry, wtf??? who is this guy anyway?????

look at this video this little bitch looks like hes gonna cry just because he gets one tough question:

I didn't notice any tears, in fact I thought he answered the asshole very succinctly. How you ever got crying is way beyond me or anyone that watched with an open mind. Your accusation of communist is way beyond the pale. Obama is way too far right for my taste, in fact we need a real left wing party. The democrats are the new republicans and the republicans are just plain fucking crazy.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Now I don't agree at all that we were circling the toilet bowl....that was all spin.

But the answer is to elect someone who wants to pull the handle and flush us?

I don't get it..... although I did warn everyone before the election.

ya it always a red flag when you have a huge populist election like that. it usually means the country is over correcting and is gonna regret it

the reason he is garanteed to lose next election is because all the independents that are the reason ge got elected have seen that they were lied to. they thought even i thought he was going to be smart and rule from the leftist center like Mr Clinton

unfortunatly he has not.

I would take Bill clinton right now for another 8 years than have to deal with Obama for the next 3 1/2 years

thats how terrible he is.

bush made all the rats run to the other side of the ship. but now the ship has tilted over and the rats are scarbmiling to run back to the middle of the ship and level her agian,

unfortunatly they cant climb the steep incline now to right it back again


New Member
:roll: all I can say is wow....

Yes, bring Bill back. Just school him on not messing with the CIA and to take terrorism seriously and we are good to go.


New Member
Now I don't agree at all that we were circling the toilet bowl....that was all spin.

But the answer is to elect someone who wants to pull the handle and flush us?

I don't get it..... although I did warn everyone before the election.
You are sooooo smart. When I grow up I want to be just like you......NOT. You warned us eh? You actually think we would be better off had McCain been elected? We'd be at war with Iran and N.Korea, maybe even Bermuda so you could get that Villa you want. You are one selfish individual


New Member
I would take Bill clinton right now for another 8 years than have to deal with Obama for the next 3 1/2 years

thats how terrible he is.
Let me lay this on ya... Obama's admin is basically Bill Clintons Admin.. Same people. And Bill did everything right for the economy unlike the Bush's.

Its funny how people jump on the hate bandwagon. They don't ask how we got here. They don't look at how deep the shithole was when Obama took office. I think most americans are ignorant to how bad it was and how much better it is getting. Future indicators are all looking better and tho employment will take years to recover, its much better than what whould have happened under McSame.

Its really easy to say , "OMG its so fucked up now" the reality is different.. Things are coming around. Things did not get nearly as bad as predcted and the banks are already paying back the monies so they don't have to deal with government regulation.

To anyone that thinks we are circling the drain, you are ill informed and a bandwagon jumping alarmist. Good Day!