Who Is The Worst U.S. President Ever?

Worse than every other president?

Obama's got a kill count in the hundreds of thousands, at least

Bush Jr.'s kill count exceeds 1 million, for sure

Clinton, Bush Sr., hundreds of thousands

Nixon's war on drugs & Reagans perpetuation of it has ruined countless tens of, if not hundreds of millions of lives

Teddy Roosevelt actually expressed his desire to kill someone. And he finally got his chance in Cuba. A war he pushed for
So can anyone cite a source for Bush Jnr. co-signing for people's mortgages that they knew they could never afford.



If anything, Bush can be blamed for the Patriot Act, etc. BUT in doing so you condemn Obama more because he doubled down and actually went further than Bush on some of that shit.

so obama is more responsible for the patriot act because he got rid of almost all of it?

that is an exceptionally cool story.
One can present all the evidence one wants one way or the other but in the end it's the court of public opinion the rules the day in this country.The public may not be accurate in it's assessment but it's what it is.
Here's a CNN poll from July 2nd


This is the latest poll taken on this subject. Personally, though I may not like President Obama's politics I don't know that I would rank him worst.
Which is the worst Prez ever and why?

Bill Clinton cause he is a war monger and I hate
his scary wife as well. I cringe at the site
of both of them.

Here's a big

View attachment 3283083

to the Clinton's!!


Clinton may have had his own personal war on women and bombed an aspirin factory (debatably to divert attention away from his philandering) but he was smart enough to follow congress' lead on welfare reform and balancing the budget. He was far from being the worst.
Clinton may have had his own personal war on women and bombed an aspirin factory (debatably to divert attention away from his philandering) but he was smart enough to follow congress' lead on welfare reform and balancing the budget. He was far from being the worst.

In one instance
Clinton bombed standing 16th Century Churches , bridges etc....
in Serbia along with hospitals for the elderly so anything good
he has done for the US is shadowed by his tyrannic motives.
A full fledged war monger killer of thousands of innocents. Men Woman
and Children all to just steal Uranium from the Eastern European Country.

This freak President gave Monica L. .a cigar up the butt as well and
it was ok with his freak wife. They should be kicked out
of the USA for good. Hell, send them to Serbia.
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In one instance
Clowney Clinton bombed standing 16th Century Churches , bridges etc....
in Serbia along with hospitals for the elderly so anything good
he has done for the US is shadowed by his tyrannic motives.
A full fledged war monger killer of thousands of innocents. Men Woman
and Children all to just steal Uranium from the Eastern European Country.

This freak President gave Monica L. .a cigar up the butt as well and
it was ok with his freak wife. They should be kicked out
of the USA for good. Hell, send them to Serbia.
Let's go ahead and just get rid of all ex-presidents by that logic then. Include Vice Presidents also please, Chaney pisses me off personally.

Every president has killed innocent people, governments are nothing more then machinations of death and economy.

Some of the worst:
Let's go ahead and just get rid of all ex-presidents by that logic then. Include Vice Presidents also please, Chaney pisses me off personally.

Every president has killed innocent people, governments are nothing more then machinations of death and economy.

Some of the worst:

Bravo, very well said!

One can present all the evidence one wants one way or the other but in the end it's the court of public opinion the rules the day in this country.The public may not be accurate in it's assessment but it's what it is.
Here's a CNN poll from July 2nd


This is the latest poll taken on this subject. Personally, though I may not like President Obama's politics I don't know that I would rank him worst.

the sitting president always ranks last in that poll, they've been conducting the same one for three decades now smarty.
I would put JFK near the top as well
Jfk started Vietnam and intended on escalating our activity there.

He dropped taxes on the rich.

Jfk was a fairly conservative president and i don't think you'd have been as big of a fan had you actually been alive in his term.
Katrina again was ineptness, no evil or malice intended.

What is it about Katrina that made Bush so inept?

Comparing his actions to Clintons durring hurricane Andrew you will see bush followed standard presidential response.

Katrina was a failure of local leadership.

It was politicized by Democrats purely for gotcha.
What is it about Katrina that made Bush so inept?

Comparing his actions to Clintons durring hurricane Andrew you will see bush followed standard presidential response.

Katrina was a failure of local leadership.

It was politicized by Democrats purely for gotcha.
CNN didn't help with the perception either. I got there 2 days after the levee broke (can't not think of Led Zepplin) and all of the bodies had been cleaned up. CNN ran the loops of bodies floating for 8 days.

The hospital I was helping out was not in the evac zone, they were where people were being sent to. Workers from the hospital went and picked up people from a stranded nursing home. That nursing home was less than a mile from a school bus yard that was full. The mayor could have used those buses to get people to hospitals or the superdome but instead he chose to not use the buses and say Bush hates black people.

Locals were showing up in boats to help and were being turned away by officials because they may have had an expired tag and for "insurance purposes" (most went around them and helped anyway).

Katrina was a complete failure of local and state officials that the residents saw even if the rest of the country didn't. The mayor and gov were voted out in landslides.

Now let's compare the handling of Katrina by the gov and the press to the handling of the BP spill. The governor was pleading Obama to let him do something, yet it took over a month before He would allow it. Volunteers were ready in the first week with ships that scrubbed the oil but was only 99% effective. The EPA would not allow those ships because their standard was 99.8%. So the oil sat for over a month... CNN did not run clips of people blaming Obama the entire time.

I agreed with the governor who said let us put out (what were those float things called?) today! Unfortunately, they didn't have enough and asked for help from the east coast supply. FEMA wouldn't allow it in case something happened off the east coast... So the oil sat.

In one case, we bitched because the president took 2 days to get the federal government involved while the locals sat around placing blame. In the other case we had local officials begging the feds to get out of the way and were stonewalled for a month.

Which situation would you deem was handled worse by who?
CNN didn't help with the perception either. I got there 2 days after the levee broke (can't not think of Led Zepplin) and all of the bodies had been cleaned up. CNN ran the loops of bodies floating for 8 days.

The hospital I was helping out was not in the evac zone, they were where people were being sent to. Workers from the hospital went and picked up people from a stranded nursing home. That nursing home was less than a mile from a school bus yard that was full. The mayor could have used those buses to get people to hospitals or the superdome but instead he chose to not use the buses and say Bush hates black people.

Locals were showing up in boats to help and were being turned away by officials because they may have had an expired tag and for "insurance purposes" (most went around them and helped anyway).

Katrina was a complete failure of local and state officials that the residents saw even if the rest of the country didn't. The mayor and gov were voted out in landslides.

Now let's compare the handling of Katrina by the gov and the press to the handling of the BP spill. The governor was pleading Obama to let him do something, yet it took over a month before He would allow it. Volunteers were ready in the first week with ships that scrubbed the oil but was only 99% effective. The EPA would not allow those ships because their standard was 99.8%. So the oil sat for over a month... CNN did not run clips of people blaming Obama the entire time.

I agreed with the governor who said let us put out (what were those float things called?) today! Unfortunately, they didn't have enough and asked for help from the east coast supply. FEMA wouldn't allow it in case something happened off the east coast... So the oil sat.

In one case, we bitched because the president took 2 days to get the federal government involved while the locals sat around placing blame. In the other case we had local officials begging the feds to get out of the way and were stonewalled for a month.

Which situation would you deem was handled worse by who?
Right on.

Bush got saddled with Katrina for purely political reasons. Presidents never took charge before this when storms hit.

The most they did was declare emergency so funds could go.

It is hollow criticism believed by idiots, perpetrated by liars.

Furthermore, the damage was not a result of the storm, but by the failure of the levies, maintained by the corps of engineers. The failure goes back decades and has many culprits.
I had thought that Obama would come out pretty spotless and look fantastic after his tenure because bush face fucked us and the country and no one could be as bad as that....

But shit, Obama has really put up quite a battle for the shittiest pres himself. He has pretty much looked like a pussy who tries to talk his way out of everything and he has no strength at all. I hate wars but you can't go letting terrorists out of jails and stupid shit like that. Also making shit up about not losing your doctor... It's tough to take him seriously. What a stupid fucker!
CNN didn't help with the perception either. I got there 2 days after the levee broke (can't not think of Led Zepplin) and all of the bodies had been cleaned up. CNN ran the loops of bodies floating for 8 days.

The hospital I was helping out was not in the evac zone, they were where people were being sent to. Workers from the hospital went and picked up people from a stranded nursing home. That nursing home was less than a mile from a school bus yard that was full. The mayor could have used those buses to get people to hospitals or the superdome but instead he chose to not use the buses and say Bush hates black people.

Locals were showing up in boats to help and were being turned away by officials because they may have had an expired tag and for "insurance purposes" (most went around them and helped anyway).

Katrina was a complete failure of local and state officials that the residents saw even if the rest of the country didn't. The mayor and gov were voted out in landslides.

Now let's compare the handling of Katrina by the gov and the press to the handling of the BP spill. The governor was pleading Obama to let him do something, yet it took over a month before He would allow it. Volunteers were ready in the first week with ships that scrubbed the oil but was only 99% effective. The EPA would not allow those ships because their standard was 99.8%. So the oil sat for over a month... CNN did not run clips of people blaming Obama the entire time.

I agreed with the governor who said let us put out (what were those float things called?) today! Unfortunately, they didn't have enough and asked for help from the east coast supply. FEMA wouldn't allow it in case something happened off the east coast... So the oil sat.

In one case, we bitched because the president took 2 days to get the federal government involved while the locals sat around placing blame. In the other case we had local officials begging the feds to get out of the way and were stonewalled for a month.

Which situation would you deem was handled worse by who?

damn, i have never seen such crying and whining over a supposed media conspiracy to frame poor ol' defenseless bush, ya little fucking snitch!
Bush got saddled with Katrina for purely political reasons.

Yeah, sure, it was all because of politics and not the thousands that were killed and his failure to act in anything resembling a leadership position. The man even admits himself his administration failed;

"As the disaster in New Orleans intensified, critics charged that Bush was misrepresenting his administration's role in what they saw as a flawed response. Leaders attacked Bush for having appointed apparently incompetent leaders to positions of power at FEMA, notably Michael D. Brown; it was also argued that the federal response was limited as a result of the Iraq War and Bush himself did not act upon warnings of floods. Bush responded to mounting criticism by accepting full responsibility for the federal government's failures in its handling of the emergency. It has been argued that with Katrina, Bush passed a political tipping point from which he would not recover."
I must have missed something.... Yeah, Bush was a fucking idiot, but how is he responsible for Katrina? Is this serious? Blaming a president for the weather seems pretty far fetched to me.

There's a ton of shit to bash Bush about- in fact Fuck Bush, but you're making yourself look kinda sleazy for bashing him for a huge storm, don't ya think?

Did the Philippino's blame Aquino III for the typhoon they got this year?

Weird.... There are tons of better arguments against bush than a fucking storm!