Who Is The Worst U.S. President Ever?

cool assumption. he might have been referring to the disparities in recounts depending on who they were done by.

but the dude who W's dad put on the supreme court broke it for bush, so he was awarded the presidency. no way to know who really "won" when it is that close.

after all, there might be massive voter fraud that was never detected!


i've never argued for getting rid of the electoral college, bignbushy.

and the only kind of landslide in american politics is an electoral landslide.

get ready for texas to become a swing state in 12-20 more years, and then things will get interesting.

Wait a minute, you said Bush's DOJ and Obama's DOJ found no evidence of voter fraud in any elections. You can't have it both ways. Voter fraud in Florida was a myth. The fact is that the districts Gore wanted recounted went for Bush anyway. Sorry to say there IS a possibility that a statewide recount might, and I say MIGHT, have gone for Gore but it's all water under the bridge now. Besides, if Gore had won we'd have probably wasted billions building a huge seawall around Florida!
So you're saying Gore would have prevented much of the disaster that was hurricane Katrina?
No, it's a reference to what he wrote in his book about Florida being flooded. On that note, National Geographic states the worlds oceans are rising .13 inch a year that's an inch every 7.5 years. To reach Gore's predicted rise it would take about 2000 years at .13 inches a year. He predicted a 20 foot rise by 2100.
No, it's a reference to what he wrote in his book about Florida being flooded. On that note, National Geographic states the worlds oceans are rising .13 inch a year that's an inch every 7.5 years. To reach Gore's predicted rise it would take about 2000 years at .13 inches a year. He predicted a 20 foot rise by 2100.
Al Gore is not a climate scientist
Wait a minute, you said Bush's DOJ and Obama's DOJ found no evidence of voter fraud in any elections. You can't have it both ways.

do you not understand how sarcasm works?

florida came down to ~500 votes out of millions. don't you think if there was actual widespread voter fraud, or even voter fraud significantly above the 0.0001849% that we know about, that it would have been detected?

i was mocking the appeals to ignorance that retards like ginwilly make all the time.
do you not understand how sarcasm works?

florida came down to ~500 votes out of millions. don't you think if there was actual widespread voter fraud, or even voter fraud significantly above the 0.0001849% that we know about, that it would have been detected?


thanks man

I don't believe there is voter fraud, I just think the ID thing worked like a charm, so did gerrymandering.

Had nothing to do with policy, nothing at all.
Without question he also is the number one traitor of the USA Republic. Abe Lincoln. Yes he freed the slaves and at the same time enslave a country. To pay off the debt of the Civil War to Britain he changed the law of the land from Common Law to Admiralty Law. The big three documents were never intended to be administered by Admiralty Law, they were meant to be adhered to by Common Law. That was the point of the big three documents and the Revolutionary War. To get the fuck away and out from under England's thumb. Thus all the strife today about and over the big three. The elitists run absolutely scared of any talk of going back to Common Law. The day will come again that we fight the Revolutionary War all over again.